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TW: not edited


          WALKING HAND IN hand out the drawing room with Benedict Bridgerton and his brother Colin on his right side. " You must excuse my family." Benedict began. " I do not know where Eloise came up with such a question, my apologies my lady."

" No need to apologize my lord." Eden smiled.

" Me and Colin will be changing into our fencing uniform, you wouldn't mind waiting outside my bed chamber would you, your highness?" Benedict asked hoping it wasn't an inconvenience.

" Of course not my lord" Eden reassured the man as he took a small bow and turned around walking towards his bedroom, his brother doing the same.
The princess smiled and her eyes gazed upon the artwork that sat nicely on the walls of the bridgerton household. Her eyes seemed to land on one particular art piece.

It was a beautiful sunsent painting, with a young lady in a dress on a swing that was connected to a tree branch. The young womans back was turned as if she was gazing at the horrizon. The painting fasonated her. she stepped forwards slightly to see the writting on the bottom and she noticed a recent date was written on th ebottom left corner along with two 'B's' to mark the artwork.

Her gaze upon the picture was interupted once she heard her name being called, she turned to the voice and smiled at the bridgerton boy who did look rather dashing in his fencing uniform. The bridgerton boy smiled at the girl and held his hand out waiting for her soft touch.

" My lord" She greeted taking his hand as Benedict smiled his brother behind him watching the interaction of the two.

The brindgerton has changed out of his nice black white and Teel outfit and changed into an all white fencing uniform. Eden tried to avert her eyes as much as possible when he had walked up to her but she couldn't help but let her eyes wonder, even to places they shouldn't have been.

Eden tried to fight down the slightest bit of excitement coursing through her veins. This was a feeling she had only experienced when with Bridgerton boy. She felt free, calm and collected [ignoring the fact she feels such way at all times] happy, and unbothered by the rules of the castle and sisioti. She felt like her own person. When she was in the Casteel she felt no such feeling, she was bored. She was bathed, and clothed three times a day like a doll when she was inside. Well fed yes. But she grew bored.

She is forever thankful for her dearest mama; queen Charlotte. For deciding it was time for her to be shown amoung the ton.

She afraid no one would like her. The gossip would grow and she'd be the most hated amoung Grovenor Square. But that was not the case. Instead she was labeled the permanent diamond of England and had every man gawking and willing to fall at her feet to take her hand in marriage. Many men wanting to fill her womb with child, start a family, and most of all have such a high title weighting on their shoulders with no complaints.

But she wasn't interested in anyone. Anyone but Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.
The three beings walked towards the backyard of the bridgerton house hold taking their fencing sticks with them. Benedict and Eden walked hand in hand chit chatting to fill the walk that would've remained comfortably silent.

The two bridgertons fenced while Eden watched cheering Benedict on Collin smirk once he realized her favoritism towards his eldest brother. In his mind they would be an amazing couple, an amazing suited couple that would have beautiful children and would surely have no hatred towards each other in secret. If in his mind if eden had chosen to Marry his brother she would be the happiest She has ever been. More happy then any young lad whom has married in the past.

Finishing the round of Fencing Collin and Benedict hit their sticks against one another's to substitute the words ' good game' before Collin walked off to God knows where. Adam stayed within five paces behind the bridgerton and the princess as they began to stroll around the backyard. " My lady. You are very much aware of the ball that shall take place tonight?" Bridgerton began to bring up a new topic.

" Yes, Mr. Bridgerton." The princess answered. Their arms were linked as they walked in sycn.

" Will I see you there?" He questioned with a smile on his face as he looked at how her skin glue in the horrizon of the setting sun. Golden hour. Is what it was named. The time of day when the sky began to set. The sky being painted yellow, orange, pink, and, blue; fading into one another making the sky many pretty colors before slowly fading into complete and utter darkness.

The way the beating sun cooled and light he skin up amazed him. The sunlight didn't clash with her Melanin. Her skin glowed. It was mesmerizing to him.

" Yes My lord. You will see me attend tonight's ball." Eden smiled. " Mr. Bridgerton I do have a question for you."

" Yes Eden." He said. The way her name rolled off his tongue sent shivers all through out her body. Him saying her name gave her the okay that it was time to drop the formality.

" Well. I noticed a painting a girl in a frilly dress, looking out to the sun on a swing. It was recent was it not?" She asked. " Yes I made it recently. Why do you ask?" Benedict answered back question in his tone.

" I like it. I love the color coordinates and all the detail in the painting." The girl complimented. " I was wondering. If one day you would like to paint a picture of me?" She asked in more of a questioning tone. The bridgerton boys smile grew at her question.

" Of course Eden. We can discuss a time and date later at the ball tonight if that is alright with you." Eden nodded and soon enough it was time for her to part ways with the bridgerton. Saying her goodbyes they bowed at each other before Benedict walked away. And Eden walked in the opposite direction with Adam going around the front. Adam helped the pretty girl into her Carriage closing the door and pulling off.

Eden sat in the Carriage with a smile on her face yet the only thing on her mind was one question and one question only.

What would tonight have instore for her?

A/N: I haven't updated this story in a while! I promise I am not dropping this story. I love Benedict and bridgerton too much to do this.

I put not edited at the begging of the chapter because people don't read the authors note where I say it isn't edited then correct me and it makes me upset. Like I'm sorry 🥲 leave me alone.

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