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                        EDEN WAS OFF In a room that laid empty , void of company. Complete and utter silence around. The young girl stood there starring at a piece that sat perfectly on the wall trying to figure out the story behind the piece of art.

" You know the art gallery isn't the only beautiful thing present at this ball" spoke a voice making Eden smile but jump with fright. She was so focused on the art piece she hadn't heard his foot steps at all. Turning around her smile grew as she saw his charming face.

" Hello My lord" she spoke with a bow.

" Your highness" he bowed to her in respects before walking over to her.

" You know I'm free this week , if you'd still like me to do a painting of you?" Benedict made sure to bring up that factor.

" Of course I'd love that" she smiled up at him before turning back to look at the art piece.

There was one with a gentle man looking at the the sun rise and one with a women in a pretty puffy gown looking at the sunset. Benedict could see the focus in her face and he smiled knowing she couldn't figure out the story behind his art piece.

" I am highly exhausted from t-trying to figure out t-the story behind this piece it is a b-beauty is it not , Benedict?" Eden asked looking at it. Her eyes never left the piece even when Benedict walked towards her.

" Both these piece represent administration from a far. Two lovers separated by distance longing for each other but the woman's mother keeping them at distance wanting the girl to marry a princess instead of a second in line Viscount." He began to explain before continuing on. " He is thinking of her and she is thinking of him. She truly and whole heartedly wants to marry him but he doesn't know it and he so badly wants to propose but she has no idea. They are thinking of one another's beauty and how much their untold love consumes each other."

Eden looked at him as he explained the story behind the piece and took in all his features. The way his smile grew and his teeth sparkled when he opened his mouth to speak. She adored the way his eyes looked apon the arts.

She wish he had looked at her with such admiration , little did she know he does and with a lot more.

He looks at her with so much love and admiration the whole world couldn't compete in a love contest against his gaze on her even if they tried.
His gaze was like fire on ice , melting its prey under its heat.

" Oh... Is this one yours?" Eden asked Benedict while eyeing the painting. It was a picture of land and a sunset with some trees and some water ,it was beautiful. Eden loved it.

" you sound surprised" he said with a smile on his face.

" I suppose I-I am." She began " It's not at all like the others I've seen , is it?" She said remembering all the other art pieces she's looked at today and this one caught her eye not more then the other two paintings she had just analyzed. Her stutter was there at the moment only due to the fact he made her nervous in a good way.

Her stutter never appeared when talking to him , unless she was nervous and he picked up on that real quick.

" It is not" he said shockingly looking around at the different art pieces seeing this one was indeed different.

" if lady Danbury is to be believed , this one was a favourite of my mother's." he said speaking of Violet Bridgerton with a huge smile on his face. " I have never understood why." He finished.

" It is very beautiful." Eden began to say. " It reminds me of waking up in the country. First thing in the morning , when I am all alone , and I have not yet spoken to  a soul... I look outside the window , and it is ... serene." She said gazing upon the picture with pure admiration.

" As if I could be the only person left in the world , and yet ...somehow I am not lonely. I am comforted , at peace. The others are certainly very grand and impressive , but this one and the other two are ... they are intimate." She finished off. The twos hands connected and their fingers locked together.

Eden felt the butterflies in her tummy explode with joy and excitement.
Their moment was interrupted by people gasping making the two young people look to each other and run into the next room seeing everyone crowed around Cressida.

" What has happened?" Eden asked Daphne curiously in confusion.

" Cressida swooned."

" And prince Friedrich caught her" Simon finished. Eden rolled her eyes at the image in her head of her cousin
Catching a girl with such attitude. She didn't particularly like Cressida but she also didn't hate the girl nor did she despise her. It was more of a dislike for the blonde girl.

She was too full of herself and through herself at any and every high ranked titled man. It made The princess feel unsettled and a bit annoyed at that.

" I must excuse myself I am quite parched." Eden said before she took a bow and walked away from everyone. Frustration clear in her expression. Cressida and her moment of swoon ruined her time with Benedict and she didn't know how to feel. She wanted to yell and scream. She felt at ease with him and then she had to go and ruin it with the attention seeking behaviour she holds.

Benedict noticed the princess was upset and so he waited a few minutes before approaching her starting at a brand new piece of art.

" This one was donated by Simon, it was said to be his mothers favourite piece and a favourite of lady Danbury's" Benedict explained.

Eden's tense shoulders were at ease at the sound of his voice and the burning sensation of her frustration slowly faded and was replaced with the feeling of butterflies. Oh how she enjoyed the feeling of butterflies when she was around the only person who gave them to her.

She couldn't wait for the two of them to spend more time together. A huge part of her wishes he could court her but only god knows if that's even possible with her majesty the queen's expectations. Does he meet the queens standards? We shall see...

A/N: I absolutely love when you guys comment it's so motivating please comment more while reading it helps so much

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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