Chapter 3

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Off stepped into his new dorm room and gasped in delight at his surroundings. The space was small, yet cozy. His gaze swept across the room, landing on an a bed with his new roommate.

 "He's very organize.," Off thought ruefully, " But I'll probably be stuck with some nerd or a total weirdo as my roommate."As he unpacked his things and settled into his new dorm room, Off decided to go out to but food.

But little did Off know that fate had something different in store for him. 

When he returned to the dorm room later that day, he found himself face-to-face with a boy who was his complete opposite.

"You!" They said to each other.

"What are you doing here, minion?!" Off said and Gun smirked at him.

"What minion, ah whatever this is my room how you enter here?" Gun asked in confused face.

Off smiled and he get the key on his pocket and show off to him, while Gun is having a big realization because it was Off,his new roommate.

"No! Get out!"

"No, never or i will tell them and you will be expelled." Off straightforward said.

Gun remember that Off was the son of this school.

"I hate you!" Gun said and he scowled at Off from across the room and muttered under his breath,

Gun's sour attitude, Off tried to break the to ask Gun about why Gun hate him .But Gun wasn't having any of it. 

He simply grunted in response and retreated to his side of the room.

Off sat on his bed, watching Gun busy with his things. As he looked on, Off couldn't help but notice how much attention to detail Gun was putting into everything. From the way he arranged his books to the decorative items he placed on his desk, Gun seemed to be finding joy in perfecting his environment.

Off, on the other hand, was the opposite. To his former dorm his clothes were scattered all over the floor and he had no interest in decorating his space.

As Gun continued to his doings, Off found himself on a call with a friend, laughing without a care in the world. Gun played music loudly in an attempt to distract Off from his call, but Off just smiled and continued talking.

"I'm talking to someone," Off said, much to Gun's irritation. Gun rolled his eyes and turned up the music even louder.

"Lower the volume!" Off yelled, trying to talk over the noise.

"Why don't you just get out?" Gun retorted sarcastically.

Off sighed in frustration and got up from his bed. He couldn't believe he had to live with someone like Gun. As he walked out of the room, he couldn't help but think that this was going to be a long semester.

Over the next few days, Off tried several times to make small talk with Gun, but each time was met with silence or a snarky comment. It was clear that these two were not going to be friends anytime soon. 

Off approached Gun with a smile and said, 

"Hey, Gun, how's it going?"Gun grunted in response, not bothering to make eye contact. 

"Is everything okay?" Off asked, sensing that something was off.

 "You seem kind of quiet."Gun rolled his eyes. 

"Just trying to get some work done," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

 "Oh, I hear you," Off said, trying to be sympathetic. "What project are you working on?"

 "It's none of your business," Gun snapped back, his patience clearly wearing thin. 

 "Alright, cool. Sorry to bother you," Off said, taken aback by Gun's hostility. 

They sat in awkward silence for a few moments before Off tentatively said, 

"So, do you like sports or anything?"

 "No, I hate athleticism and competition," Gun said sarcastically, his tone dripping with disdain.Off laughed nervously.

 "Okay, okay. Sorry, guess I'm not great at small talk." They sat in silence for a few more moments before Off tentatively said,

 "So, how about that weather today?"Gun scoffed and looked at Off with annoyance. 

"What is this, middle school? Can you just mind your own business?"Off sighed. 

"Yeah, sorry. I just figured since we're are roommate together , it might be nice to get to know each other a bit."Gun skeptically asked, 

"And why is that?"

"Well, I think it's easier to know with people when you have a good relationship with them. Plus, I just like making friends." He said in a big smiled

 "I don't really do the whole "friend" thing." Gun seems to iritated slightly

"That's fair. I just wanted to put it out there. If you ever do feel like talking, though, I'm here: Off said and he stood up. Gun nods only 

 "Thanks, man. See you around."  off said but Gun  grunts in response. 

Off stumbled towards the dormitory, his drunken state making him shout uncontrollably for someone to open the door. Gun, who had been soundly asleep, was jolted awake by the noise. He groggily staggered to the door to see what was happening.

As he opened the door, Off's unsteady frame nearly caused him to fall, and Gun was unable to stop him from toppling over.

"Ouch!" Off grunted as he hit the ground.

"How did you manage to get drunk and enter the dormitory? Aren't the guards doing their job?" Gun complained, bewilderment evident in his voice.

Off stood up, glaring at Gun. He was furious because he had never encountered anyone who hated him.

"Why are you so mad at me?" he slurred, his breath reeking of alcohol.

Gun couldn't complain to a drunk person, so he remained silent, planning to leave. But as he tried to turn away, Off pulled him close. Gun feared he was about to be attacked but was stunned when Off suddenly kissed him. He was frozen but quickly regained his senses and pushed Off away.

"Why did you kiss me?" Gun asked with confusion in his voice.

Off didn't answer; instead, he rested his head on Gun's shoulder, not moving. Gun was left baffled and annoyed, with no idea what was going on in Off's mind.

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