Chapter 9

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Gun pov's

What?! he wanted to kiss me?

how? What I'm gonna do.

Do I need to close my eyes?

I do not know what to do.

will he complain if I am a bad kisser?


"No?" he was shocked. "oh sorry," he said and tried to distance himself from me.

Wait what?! no don't go

I pulled him to kiss me I just closed my eyes until he moved his lips, we kissed deeper and we got into the bed and I realized that this was not okay.

"Stop!, stop"

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm not ready yet," I said to him and he kissed my forehead.

"Okay as long as you're happy." then he hugs me.

I heard someone come into my dorm I saw Mix who was shocked at what he saw.



"What the hell did you do to my friend!" Mix throws his bag to Off and Off tries to hide on my back.

"Off! Don't you know that you can't hide on my back I'm small," Gun said and Earth laughed.

"You misunderstood us, it's not what you think." Off said and Mix calmed down.

"is it true? are you sure?"

"Hey, Off telling the truth" he looked at Mix holding a bouquet.

"What? What are you looking at?"

"You said that you wanted to know him, why are you holding that flower?" Gun asks.

"He's my boyfriend," Earth said Mix big his eyes.

"Boyfriend? Really?"


Back to the University outing.

"Hi," Earth said and Mix looked at him.

"You must be earth?" Mix asked. "My friend is Gun, you probably know him?" he added.

"The one Off telling me about his roommate," Earth said and Mix smiled at him.

"Yeah, sorry about how my friend acted like he wasn't the type of person who trusts people easily," Mix said, Earth nodded.

"It's not a Gun problem it's my friend too, he was full of himself and he likes to mess up people's lives and I'm gonna apologize for what he did to your friend."

After that, they went to the beach for long hours of talking about their lives and studies.

After they talk, one night both of them change, the former playboy is now overly in love with Mix.


1 week later

"Mix told me that you are ready for the four of us outing?" Off asked.

"Aren't you tired of reminding me, I'm busy with my thesis," Gun grumbled.

Off hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

"My baby is tired," he said in a cute voice.

"Tell me! Instead of helping me, you and your friends just eat shabu."

he pushes Off but Off tries to hug Gun.

"Oh are you guys fighting again?" asked Mix who had just entered the dorm.

"Aren't you tired?" Earth asked me.

"I'm planning to leave him," I joked, and off's face immediately became sad.

"You will leave me?"

"You look like a fool," Gun said laughing.

"Ready for the beach?" Mix asked they nodded.

When they got to the beach, they immediately went swimming. full of laughter and haunt.

While the two were busy, Off and Gun were walking holding hands.

"You are the best thing that happened to me" he kissed my forehead and I smiled at him.

"I love you always" I kiss his lips and he hugs me.

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