Chapter 1

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Gun pov's

My name Gun atthaphan, 4th year college student in Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management. I was living along since 1st year but i dont know what to say when my apartment have to demolished so i have to go to school dorm.

At first, it feel a strange because i dont know who was the person i was with for almost 1 year.

Well, let me talk about my personality, I'm a bubbly person and friendly but the only things that make me angry is this University, why are they allowed this people.

The one i was talking is Heartthrob Student, they thought that they are the only person on this world.


I was in canteen when I heard a loud of girls students who was following this man he was so arrogant and full of himself. I rolled my eyes to them.

"What a mess" i said while eating.

I heard a girl complain and he approach me he heard me her friend are stopping her for arguing with me.

A teacher went to the scene but instead scolded the girl, the teacher just calm her down and she left.

I saw him walking toward to me and he standing in front of me.

"Hey, you seem to be enjoying your meal while the rest of us are dealing with these annoying girls," he said with an air of arrogance.

I put down my sandwich and gave him a hard stare.

"Excuse me? You think you're the only one that exists in this world just because a few girls are fawning over you? Grow up."

The Heartthrob raised an eyebrow at my response, clearly not used to being spoken to in such a manner. However, I wasn't about to back down.

"I don't need your validation or approval, so don't expect me to be impressed by your antics."
He let out a chuckle and turned to walk away, but not before throwing one last remark in my direction.

"Whatever you say, annoying lizard!."
I rolled my eyes as he walked away, not letting the comment get to me.

I was dumbfounded, what happened is this world?

All the students are looking at me they are gossiping me I just didnt care to them and leave in the canteen. 

Gun was about to open the door to his dorm when he heard his teacher calling his name.

"Gun," she called out to him.

He turned around and saw his teacher approaching him. "Yes, ma'am," he greeted her respectfully.

"Did you read my message?" she asked.

Gun shook his head, "Sorry, my phone was in silent."

"It's okay. Instead of discussing it over the phone, I just wanted to discuss it with you in person. The students want to move into this dorm," his teacher said.

"Are they new students?" Gun asked.

"No, he's also a 4th-year student, but his former roommate hates him for some reason," she explained.

Gun furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to process the information. He was worried that if he let this student in, they might end up fighting.

"Okay, but ma'am, if we end up fighting, he's the one who has to leave the dorm, not me," Gun firmly stated.

His teacher smiled at him, "For sure, I will tell him to be a good boy."

Gun watched as his teacher walked away, wondering if he had made the right decision. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about accepting this particular student into his dorm. With a heavy sigh, he opened the door and stepped inside, hoping things would turn out okay.

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