Chapter 6

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When Off wakes up, Gun is no longer in his bed until the classroom Gun is also gone, Off wonders where Gun went.

He was waiting for Mix to finish his class an hour later when all the students came out, Off noticed Mix coming out of the room and immediately approached him.

"Gun friend" Off said Mix stopped and frowned at him. 

"What do you need?" Mix asked with annoyance.

"Gun, I want to talk to him." Mix said off and immediately answered.

"Why don't you talk to him face to face?" Mix

"He wasn't in the dorm when I woke up."

"Omg?! maybe he's back to his old self," Mix said worriedly.

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand what you're saying. I'm so confused right now." confused.

"Alright, listen. Gun was bullied in high school by a guy named Han. At first, Han pretended to be friendly to Gun, but it was all part of a plan to embarrass him in front of everyone. This whole experience caused Gun to develop anxiety and made it hard for him to trust people he meets. " He looked into Off eyes.

"Wait, what? Gun hates me because of someone named Han? But I've never even met this guy or done anything to him!" 

" He hates you because you like Han, the way you talk and your attitude he hates everything about you " Mix said. 

"I didn't think it would affect Gun so deeply. I didn't think it would make him hate me." off voice shaking. 

"Look, Off, I understand that you didn't mean any harm. But you have to understand Gun's side too. He feels betrayed, and he sees you as a reminder of Han and the pain he went through." Mix sighs. 

"I want him to not mad at me, I know , I'm wrong and I regret it." 

 "Maybe the first step is acknowledging your own guilt, Off. You have to recognize the role you played, even unintentionally, in hurting Gun. And then, you need to apologize to him sincerely and give him the space to heal" Mix said and Off smiled at him. 

" So what do I do? I can't change who I am, and I can't change Gun's past. How can I make things better?" Off frustrated. 

"I believe in you, Off. Just remember that it won't be easy, and it will take time for Gun to trust you again. But if you're patient and genuine, there might be a chance to rebuild your friendship." Mix placing a hand on Off's shoulder

Off thought that what Mix said was right that he had to find a way to get rid of that guilt in his chest, he didn't like what happened but he couldn't do anything because he knew how much he hurt Gun.

Off entered a class and saw Gun sitting in the front of the row seat, Gun ignored him, he sat in front of Gun.

"I'm sorry Gun, I really didn't mean to trip up that classmate of yours" When Off apologized.

"Mr. Jumpol, are you listening?" The teacher asked him so Off went back to arranging the seat.

"Everyone is here, you will have a performance task with only two members and if that group can pass me before the deadline, you will not have to take the final exam in my subject, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am" They all said.

Gun looked at Off and smiled which surprised Off who thought he was mad at him Gun raised his hand.

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