Chapter 5

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When Gun got home from the apartment, he noticed that Off was not there. He was happy that Off would never come back, but he also felt sad because he was getting used to Off teasing him.

Mix called him and Gun answered it immediately, as soon as he pressed the button he could tell in Mix's voice how excited he was about the event being held at the university.

"Hey, Mix! What's up?"Gun answers the phone.

"Gun! I am so excited about the event happening at the university! "Mix said excitedly

" Slow down there, Mix. Take a breath. What's got you so hyped up? "Gun said.

"Oh, you know me, always getting excited about things. Have you told that classmate of yours to work on his singing? " Mix said with a laugh.

"Yeah, he's getting tired from all that practice," Gun said jokingly.

"How is that roommate of yours?" Mix asked, Gun's expression became serious.

"Roommate talk, huh? Well, let me tell you, you won't believe what happened today. "Gun said in a serious tone.

"So, is Off still giving you a hard time? "Mix asked.

"It's a good thing he's not in the dorm right now, because if I catch up with him, we'll probably end up having a fight. He just keeps pushing my buttons, you know?" said Gun who couldn't help but be annoyed.

"Haha, you guys are like a dog and a cat, always at each other's throats." he giggled. "It's Funny" he added.

"Mix, trust me, he's not funny anymore. He's just plain dumb. I can't stand his antics anymore." Gun said emphatically.

"Well, I can't help but find the situation amusing, Gun. But hey, if it's getting too much, maybe you should consider talking it out with him?" Mix giggle.

"You really think that would work? I've tried talking to him before, but he just brushes it off. I'm starting to lose my patience, Mix. "Gun said and calm himself.

"I get it, Gun, I really do. But remember, patience is key. Maybe he's going through something and that's why he's acting out. Give him a chance, okay?" Mix advice and Gun rolled his eyes.

" I'll think about it,"Gun.

"Think carefully, Gun! Take care, and don't let that roommate of yours get under your skin too much. See you soon!, Bye and I still have a lot to do at the event, remember my department is good" Mix said jokingly and Gun laughed before hanging up the phone.


The event has started and their Gun department is busy because their department is involved in an event, singing talent.

While he was busy fixing, he noticed that his classmate who was supposed to sing was not there.

"Did you see Joe?" Gun asked his other classmates.

"I've been looking for him for a while." He answered.

Gun looked around to see Joe and another of his classmates called him, he immediately came and then he saw Joe sitting on one side.

"What happened?" Gun asked.

"His stomach hurts and he can't stand properly." It said to Gun.

"Gun, you sing first, I know you sing well" Joe gave the microphone to Gun. Gun did not agree but Joe held Gun's hand as if begging. "Do it for the department." Joe said.

Gun seemed to want the ground to swallow him rather than sing in front of many people and he was even more nervous when Joe's name was called.

Gun slowly walked up the stairs towards the stage, the surroundings were dark because the lights were off and there was thick smoke when the music started, the lights immediately turned on. Gun was just about to sing when something poured on him that seemed to be sticky and green in color and he noticed many laughing students.

He saw Off who seemed to be in a panic going up to the stage.

"Off! He deserve it" Off friend said.

Gun glared at him while Off is concern, he approach Gun and he pushed Off and Gun runaway.

The whole people are laughing at Gun, Off tried to call him but he didn't look back.

Off chased Gun and he caught him and noticed that Gun was crying.

"Are you happy?"  Gun said with anger in his eyes.

"I'm sorry my friends is bullying Joe and I can't stop them---."  Off explained.

"You're so selfish! You only think about how happy you'll feel when you hurt someone's feelings, don't touch me!"  Gun screamed and ran away.

Off is left with guilt in his feelings, he can't think of himself as normal because he knows what he did was wrong.

Mix overheard about Gun in the restroom so he tried to find Gun to his department and the others student he was in the dorm, Mix try to knock on the door and he tried to call on the phone but he ignore Mix calls. 

Mix repeat his knock but he still not open the door, he was worried to Gun, there's a possibilities that Gun might back his anxiety. Mix stop knocking when he saw Off walking towards to him, he glared at him in fierce eyes. 

"What did you do my friend?!" Mix ask. 

"I'm sorry I explain to him everything" Off said. 

"Explain? you think it's that easy, you don't know Gun, he went through a lot before he completely forgot everything--then you suddenly show up to ruin his life," Mix couldn't stop being angry with Off because he knew if how hurt Gun was.

"I can not understand what you are saying?" Off asked.

"You can't really understand because you're only thinking about yourself" Mix said and angrily left in front of Off.

Off opened the door and saw Gun covered with a blanket, Off was about to come to apologize to Gun but he stopped because he heard what seemed to be Gun crying.

Off felt a pain in his chest knowing what he did was wrong and he hopes that he should be stopped his friends or he didn't join in the pranks.

"Sorry" was all Off said before turning off the light.

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