Chapter 2

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Off pov's

Off steps out of his sleek luxury car as the hot sun beats down upon him. A quick glance at the maid and a nod of acknowledgement, and he makes his way into the house. As he walks into the dining room, he sees his dad, absorbed in the morning newspapers, and his brother, Tay, snickering quietly to himself.

"Off, where did you go last night?" his father asks, still not raising his eyes from the news.

Off hesitates for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"Uh, nowhere special, dad," he finally answers, nervously avoiding his father's gaze.

Tay giggles silently, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Hey, Tay? You okay?" his dad looks at him briefly, clearly puzzled.

"Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the morning breeze," Tay answers, a sly grin creeping across his face.

Off finally finishes his breakfast and rises from the table, ready to leave. But his father has other plans.

"You didn't answer my question, Off," his voice now cold and calculated.

Off gulps, realizing there's no escaping the truth.

"I was at the club, dad." he eventually admits.

His father's expression grows stony and unimpressed, still holding the newspaper.

"The club?" he raises an eyebrow. "And you didn't invite me?" he asks, almost offended.

Off feels trapped, wondering how to get out of this situation.

"Uh, sorry, dad. I didn't think it was your type of scene," he tries to explain, hoping for some leniency.

"Of course you need to invite me," his father replied sternly. "Since your mother died almost five years ago, I have no time to be around with girls."

Dad," Tay said, "I'll go now. My date will be angry if I don't show up." As Tay rushed out

Off was about to leave when his father called him back.

"Off, there was one problem," he said.

Off sighed. "What now?" he asked, feeling tired already.

"About your roommate," his father began. "The teacher said your roommate made a statement about what you did."

Off's eyes widened. "What did I do?" he asked defensively.

"Did you kiss your roommate again?" his father asked, his voice furious.

Off nodded, unsure of what to say. His father stood up and approached him, placing his hand on Off's shoulder.

"Son, if you're drunk, just come home. Not to your dorm. People are going to think you're gay," his father said sternly.

Off couldn't help but smirk. He was tired of his father's narrow-minded thinking. "Dad, I'm not gay," he said firmly. "But even if I was, it wouldn't be something to be ashamed of."

His father's mouth opened and closed a few times, as if he was unsure of what to say. Finally, he spoke up again. "Just be careful, okay? I don't want you getting into any trouble."

Off nodded, knowing that his father would never truly understand him. With a sigh, he turned and left, ready to enjoy his date and forget about the stresses of his family.

Off grabbed his phone as it vibrated on the table and answered the call. "Hey, Earth. What's up?" he said nonchalantly.

"Hey there, buddy. So, I heard your roommate's complaining about something you did to him. What happened?" Earth said in a funny way.

Off chuckled. "Oh, did you make him shut up?" he asked, amused.

"Of course. He was about to post online. Lucky I stopped him," Earth said excitedly.

Off groaned. "Did you threaten my roommate again?" he asked, already anticipating the answer.

Earth laughed. "It's the least that I can do," he said, still giggling.

"You like to bully my roommate," Off said, shaking his head.

Off sighed. He knew he had to control his drinking habits. He had been causing trouble lately, and all of his roommates had been wanting him to leave. Whenever he got drunk, he didn't remember what he did.


As he walked towards his classroom, he saw a familiar face. It was the boy he had argued with in the canteen yesterday. Off sat down beside him, hoping to make amends.

But as soon as he sat down, he realized that the boy was still irritated at him. He wanted to tease him again because it made him feel happy. When the boy got up and left the room, Off's friend came running in.

"What's with you and teasing that poor guy?" his friend asked, crossing his arms.

Off shrugged. "I don't know. It's just fun," he said, smiling

"Where's everybody?" Earth asked.

"The class is over you're late again." He said and Earth nodded.

Off and Earth were sitting in a café, sipping coffee and chatting about their personal lives when Off popped the question.

"Did you meet your Girlfriend again?" Off asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Earth paused for a moment and looked at his friend. "Did you mean Ex-girlfriend?" he said with a smile on his face.

Off's smile quickly faded. "What? No! Did you guys break up?"

Earth chuckled. "No, we didn't. It's just that you seemed so sure that we would break up that I assumed you were talking about my ex."

Off laughed, clearly relieved. "Oh, it means I won?" he exclaimed and raised his hands in triumph.

Earth shook his head but couldn't help but smile at his friend's reaction. He knew that Off had been betting on his relationship with his girlfriend. If she broke up with him within two days, Earth had to pay him money, but if they stayed together for a week, then Off would have to pay.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, buddy, but we're still together," Earth said, slightly teasing Off.

Off playfully punched his friend on the arm. "Hey, it's not over yet. You still have a few more days to go," he said with a grin.

Earth rolled his eyes but couldn't help but appreciate his friend's enthusiasm. "I guess we'll have to wait and see then, won't we?"

The two friends continued chatting, Earth cut the Off laugh he stood up and goodbyes to his friend.

Off went to his teacher, he wanted to ask about his new dorm.

"Ma'am" he greeted her.

"I talked to your new roommate and he accept you, please Off be more mature don't do that to him he was very a kind boy, okay?" The teacher said and she give to off the key of his new dorm.

"What is his name?" Off asked with curious voice.

"Oh, his name is Gun, you know him?"

"Gun? I didnt hear his name but I promise to be behave." Off said and he got out the teacher faculy.

Off didnt know that moving out to his new dorm will be he's living hell.

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