Chapter 4

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Gun groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, only to find Off staring at him. Irritated by the intense gaze, Gun couldn't help but ask, 

"What are you looking at?"

Off stepped closer, his face inches away from Gun's. It was as if someone had punched him in the gut, but Gun gathered himself and forced a brave reaction. He didn't want to remember what Off had done last night. 

"Then, how do I care?" Gun stammered.

With a voice laced with anger, Off responded,

 "It means you punched me."

Gun shook his head, "No! I didn't punch you."

Perplexed, Off questioned, "Then who?"

Gun sighed, finding it hard to admit the truth. 

"The floor, you fell on the floor." As Gun spoke, Off broke the proximity between them and took a seat on a nearby chair.

Off looked at Gun in disbelief. 

"You didn't catch me?"

Puzzled, Gun retorted, "Yes, why would I catch you?" Off's face scrunched up, deep in thought. He held his chin as if he were conducting an investigation. 

"I was thinking that maybe you hate me because I was handsome. But it seems like I have come to a conclusion that you really hate me because, well, you just hate me."

Gun blurted out with a mix of frustration and honesty, "Both." He then stood up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, hoping to escape the awkward conversation.

Gun's heart raced as he desperately tried to push away the memory of what had happened between him and Off last night. He messed up his hair nervously, unable to forget the sensation of Off's kiss replaying in his mind. Just as he was trying to gather his thoughts in the bathroom, he was shocked when Off knocked on the door.

"Oy! You've been there for a long time, I still have class!" knocks repeatedly on the bathroom door.

Gun opened the door and Gun was looking at him like he was scared so Off wondered why Gun was acting like that before Gun could get out of the bathroom, Off stopped Gun, Gun's eyes widened.

"What's wrong with you?" Off asked.

"No, go ahead, go to the bathroom," Gun said calmly.

Off looked at him "Are you sure? because there seems to be something strange about you?" Off asked, Gun just smiled at him before Off closed the door. 

Gun hurried to get out of the dorm he noticed Off calling him but he didn't turn around he just continued walking.

when he got to the classroom he took a deep breath. 

 "Why would I be nervous he can't remember" Gun said in his mind

while having a lesson, Gun couldn't get Off's kiss from his mind. he noticed that he had left the phone in a hurry. 

"Shit! I left my phone behind" 

So when the class was over, he was just leaving the room when Off was waiting for him while he was holding his phone.

All the girls are smiling while others are taking pictures. Gun rolled his eyes and went to Off to get his phone.

"What are you doing here?" Gun said irritate voice. 

"Easy, gun it's just me" Off teas him but Gun shook his head.

"Give it to me. I don't have time for your jokes right now." 

"Wait, wait, I'm just kidding!" Off said playfully. 

"Are you serious?" Gun stops and looks at Off suspiciously

"Nah, just messing with you, Gun." Off grinning

" Fine, give it to me. And next time, don't mess around with my stuff. " Gun rolls his eyes

"Relax, man. I was just having a little fun. " Off handing over the phone

"Fun at my expense, as usual." Gun muttering 

" Aw, come on, Gun. You know I can't resist teasing you." Off laughs. 

"Yeah, it's like your favorite hobby. " Gun in grumpy tone

 " Well, you make it so easy, my friend. But hey, at least now you've got your precious phone back." Off said. 

Gun scoffed, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Friends? We're not friends," he replied, every word dripping with sarcasm.

Off took a step closer to Gun, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Is there a chance that we can be friends?" he asked, a hint of desperation in his voice. 

 "Why would I ever want someone like you as a friend?" Gun said in a serious tone. 

Off's shoulders slumped, disappointment evident on his face. "I've tried to be nice to you, Gun. I thought maybe we could put our differences aside and just get along."

Gun chuckled. "Why would I want to get along with you?" he exclaimed, his tone condescending. "You're weak, Off. I have no interest in wasting my time on someone like you."

Off straightened his posture, his eyes narrowing with determination. "I don't really understand why you hate me " he retorted, his voice filled with sadness "Have I done you wrong? or did I hurt you? ."

The attention of all the people in the hallway looked at them, the others were already talking about them.

Gun's smirk faltered slightly, his eyes narrowing as he considered Off's words.

Off shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe you're right, Gun," he replied, his voice laced with defiance. "But I'd rather be quite and not be friendly than you – cold-hearted and alone." 

Gun's face reddened with anger, his fists clenching by his sides. "You don't know anything about me," he seethed, his voice low with barely contained fury.

Off remained unruffled, meeting Gun's gaze head-on. "Maybe not," he acknowledged. "But I hope you try to get to know someone before you hate them." 

Gun stared at Off for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a shake of his head, he turned and walked away, leaving Off standing there, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes.

As Off watched Gun's retreating figure, he sighed and also he walked out. 

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