1 | Idol

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„Please just come with me to the match", my little brother Luca begged me.

„No Luca, i don't like football", i said.

„just go with him once, next time ill go again but just today, do it for me", my older brother kai said now.

Ugh fine", i rolled my eyes.

„Yesss!!", Luca jumped around.

First and last time", i told them.

„Okok, see ya soon i have to go now", Kai explained.

„Yeah bye whatever", i said annoyed.

He left the house because he had some very serious meeting because of his career at football. And when we're at football, i have to go to a match of barcelona against real madrid ig?

My brothers are both the biggest fans and maybe Kai will start playing there too. I'm not interested in football and i don't want to go to the game but ill do it now, but just this once.

„Do you have a jersey Kiana?", Luca asked.

„I don't want one", i said.

„Sorry queen", he replied.

„yeah its ok, well, lets go now or we'll be late"


We left the house and i locked it. We went with a taxi because i don't have my license yet. We don't have any contact to my father because he got alcoholic after my mom passed, but we have our uncle xavi which lives a few blocks away. He invited us for the game.

We were sitting in the taxi in silence until i caught Luca staring at me.

„What is it now Luca? Why are you staring at me?"

„You have bruises, on your arm"

I was wearing a t-shirt thats why Luca saw my bruises. I hid them from him because i didn't want him to have a bad picture of my father, you know what i mean?

„Who did this to you?"

„i- i fell last week"


„From the stairs, yeah"

Im so bad at lying oh lord help me.

„You're lying, im not stupid"

„Maybe i am, but i wont tell you from where i have them. It's none of your business"

„It is, because they're from dad"


„Yes, you heard me"

Why would he say this. How? Where? What? I dont understand.

„We arrived", the driver said.

I payed him and we stepped out of the car.

We're talking at home"

This was the last thing i said before taking his hand because there were a ton of people. He just nodded.

We were now in the stadium sitting on our places. Luca wore a number ‚30' kit but i don't know which player that was.

„I'm so excited", Luca said.

„I can imagine", i said.

„Oh theres Xavi, wanna go say hi?", i asked Luca.


We made our way down to the VIP's where Xavi was standing. After he saw us he had a big smile on his face.

„Kiana? Am i blind or are you at the camp nou?", Xavi laughed while hugging me

„Just some kind of nightmare maybe?", i laughed.

„good to see you here", he smiled.


„Come with me and sit at the vip's", xavi offered.

„Omg, yes please", Luca replied.

„If you don't mind and if Luca is happy with it, sure", i said.

We walked down to the seats and sat down. Not much time went by and the players ran out and started running.

„Theres Gavi!!", Luca shouted.

„Who is that?", i asked.

„Number 30!"

„Which one is him?"

„The one which always does stupid things", Xavi interrupted our conversation and pointed at a small brown haired guy.

‚Gavi' was annoying some other players while jumping on them or slapping them. To be honest, i had to laugh at that one.

He had this happy looking, he was smiling a lot, i mean really. He looks like a nice guy.

„You have a nice idol Luca", i laughed.

„say that after you saw him play, i love the way he plays"

„okey, ill have an eye on him"


And with that the game started..

1. Chapter🥀

I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter. I'm always happy about comments and opinions.

Thank you for reading. Love you!


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