22 | you and me

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„Good Morning", he said smiling.

„Morning", i simply replied but also smiling.

„so, we have training until 2pm. i thought maybe we could go to the beach later? you and me", he said.

„yes, id love that", i said still smiling.

he nodded and than kai came with jas.

„good morning sleepyhead", i ran to jas and hugged her.

„good morning, and to you too gavi", she said.

„morning", he said laughing because i was killing jas with my hug.

„yeah, you know i need to breath to right?", she said almost out of breath.

„oh, really? i didnt know", i said sarcastically which just made her laugh.

„see you later", kai said slamming the door.

oh my god. what an idiot.

„what are we doing today?", jas asked.

„our favourite thing"

„SHOPPING? and a lot of gossip"

„you got it", i said laughing.

„well, it wasn't hard to guess because we used to do that every single day, but it never gets boring"

„you're so right"

jas made herself a toast and i went up to change into some other clothes.

jasmins POV:

(first time jasmins POV letsgoo)

yesterday was a lot of fun, i just remember gavi and kiana telling us what they were talking about because i dared them, otherwise they would open their mouth about it.

well, kai and i also somehow almost got a couple, but i don't know what stopped us. maybe it just was kiana. why cant she just accept that i like her brother, its nothing illegal. its really annoying.

(A/N: don't you dare hate kiana now)

i was making myself a toast while kiana went up getting dressed. i was already changed because i did it before i came down.

i was eating when kiana came back.

„are we ready?", she asked.

„yup", i said getting up and taking my purse.

we went to a bus station since both of us don't have the license yet.

at the mall we went into many shops until we went into a baby shop or something.

one thing about kiana is, that she's obsessed with children.

she always goes to baby shops just to look at the tiny clothes or just the tiny stuff.

„santa mierda, jas look at this", she said.

she showed me some little nike shoes.

„if i get a child, i will get broke"

„yeah, i can imagine. you would never stop shopping baby things"

„i think we should get out before you really will buy something", i added and she started laughing and nodded.

we walked around the city while talking about many things.

„the boys will come home soon and pablo wants to go to the beach with me, i think we should maybe go back", kiana said.

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