28 | i cant loose her now.

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i saw her laying there. it didn't took me a second and i ran up to her.

i knelt down next to her taking her head slowly on my tigh.

i called the ambulance while i looked at jasmin.

she was shocked herself.

„get the fuck out of my eyes", i said while my eyes started tearing up.

i cant see my girl like this, it hurts.

„729 whats your emergency?"

(its a random number💀)

my girlfriend got hit my a car, shes unconscious", i said shaking.

„we're sending a ambulance straight away"

i thanked the lady and picked kiana up, so i can get her off the street. i stroke her hair while seeing how jasmin and matheo were walking away.

she's going to jail for this and i'll take care of it.

i saw kiana slowly opening her eyes, but very weakly.

„don't move, the ambulance is here any second, just stay with me, amor okay?", i tried calming her down, because she seemed stressed.

of course i was too, but im the one who should be comforting her now in this situation.

she nodded weakly and closed her eyes.

a minute later the ambulace arrived and walked towards us with that carry bed.

they told me i could drive with them as long as im family.

at the hospital they rushed her to an checking room and sent me to a waiting one.

i didn't hesitate on calling kai.

„hello man, im on my date, wassup?"

„hospital, now!", i said.

„pablo, what the hell is going on?"

„we need you, kiana needs you, please"

„im on my way, calma pablo calma, its going to be fine", he said and than hung up.

i was stressed, worried and afraid.

she was my first real love, thanks to her a can feel everything i feel about love and i never felt that way.

i cant loose her now.

i wont loose her, pablo think positive!

i was stuck in my thoughts until someone stormed in.


„where is she?", he said nervous.

„they're checking up on her, we'll have to wait", i said while fidgeting with my fingers.

„what happened? is it bad?", he now said worried.

kais POV:

after pablos call i started to get worried.

why does he need me at hospital? why does kiana need me at the hospital?

so many questions in my head, it could explode.

i excused me and told the girl we could do this another time again.

i ran to my car and drove to the hospital.

i found pablo sitting in the waiting room. his hands on his head, trying to hold it.

he was tired of stress.

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