31 | by her side

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while my eyes started to fall, i remembered sira is here.

i cant sleep now, that isn't respectful.

she noticed, that i got up, and started to talk.

„hey, sleep. it's alright, don't worry", she smiled.

thats when someone came in.


He came in with white roses.

is there a day he wouldn't make me smile? easy answer, no.

i even ignored the pain in my chest, i was just so happy he's here.

„mi amor, how are you feeling?", he asked while sitting next to me.

„im alright", i said weakly.


„you're not, talk to me please"

he reads my mind like an open book.

„i don't want to disturb you two, kia just text me okay? i love you and take care", she smiled while leaving.

„i love you too", i tried to scream back but my chest started to hurt.

„You're not fine, i'll get a doctor", pablo said.

„im fine"

„kiana, no."

him saying my name means he was mad.

he walked out.

and thats when everything turned black again.

Gavis POV:

i knew she didn't feel well, she held her chest and sira told me she said she had headache.

i left her to go talk to an doctor, which i did and the doctor came back with me into the room.

the doctor walked in first but turned around quickly after she saw kiana.

„get another doctor, now!", she said.

what is happening?

i walked back and got a nurse.

„bring her to the checking rooms", the doctor said while they started driving her bed to the room.

oh no.

she passed out, again.

pablo, you're so stupid for letting her alone.

its all my fault.

i didn't knew what to do, so i called pedri while tears rolled down my cheeks.

„hey pabloo, wassup?", he said.

„please come to the hospital, kiana passed out", i said trying to hold my tears.

„aleyna and i are on our way!", he said and i heard him taking his keys.

i hung up and sat down in the waiting room.

this is all my fault, i shouldn't have left her. i needed just to stay by her side, how she wanted it to.

pedri and aleyna interrupted my thoughts while storming in.

„where is she?", pedri asked worried.

it gave me flashbacks when kai stormed in the last time and asked the exact same thing.


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