39 | your selflove is killing me

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Gavis Pov:

Everything was fine after jack left. he did after kai spoke up and tried to involve the police and since jack is criminal either way, he got scared.

kiana was still standing behind me, her arms wrapped around me.

i took her arms and lead her infront of me again.

„he's gone amor", i smiled while cupping her face in my hands.

„lets go now lovebirds", pedri interrupted.

i rolled my eyes and took kianas hand.

while the drive home it was silent.

„can you drop me off at mines?", aleyna asked pedri.

pedri nodded and drove her home.

„bye kia", aleyna smiled at kiana.

„see you aleynaa", kiana smiled weakly.

„and i don't get a bye huh?", i said almost offended.

„aww is baby gavi offended?", aleyna laughed and kiana did after her.

she laughed.

goal archived.

„me? never.", i rolled my eyes sarcastically.

„sure", she said giving pedri a kiss and slamming the door.

she really didn't say bye, rude.

we drove kiana home next.

„i'll pick you up at 10", i said to kiana.

„i'll be ready, bye pepi", she waved at pedri after she gave me a kiss.

Kianas Pov:

i was feeling so tired after this day. everything was just very much to take in. the match was good, i enjoyed watching it, but the situation with my dad gave me the rest.

i really hoped not to see him this soon again, but he's literally hunting me for a reason, i'll never understand.

i just want this to stop because im living with this fear from him since forever and now that i know he's here, hunting me, its even worse.

living a normal life would be a dream, but with the fear, that your own dad is always behind you planning something, would never make this dream possible.

the amount of comfort pablo gives me is just insane. im so thankful for him. he was always here in the situation i was at my lowest. i don't know a person which did more for me than he did.

besides my brother, kai.

pedri was also a incredible best friend and im very thankful that he introduced me to aleyna. aleyna is a living angel, i think without her my life wouldn't be as fun, even tho i don't know her for so long.

while these thoughts i didn't even notice that i already entered our house and was standing infront of kai, which tried to talk to me.


„kiana man"


„are you fucking deaf?", he yelled.

„you're talking to me?", i said pushing my thoughts away.

„no, km talking with the wall behind you"

„of course im talking to you, dumbass", he added.

„oh, im sorry, repeat again", i said stroking my hair.

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