29 | favorite flowers

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pablo came back with a doctor, when she saw me she smiled happily.

„mrs. hernandez, we are very glad you woke up. If you feel comfortable enough, we would like to take some blood tests until you can leave. But i cant promise that you'll be out until in two days. You'll need to stay until the results are clear", she explained.

„Yeah sure, im ready. My head just hurts very, very badly, is that normal?", i asked.

„after you get hit harshly by a car, yes it is"

wait, what?

„i got hit by a car?", i said confused.

„yes, how i heard, you got pushed and in that moment you were just very unlucky", she said softly.

„okay, can't you give me pills for headache?"

„no, i'm sorry, but we think it will only worse your condition"


i can't do anything about, she's the doctor, she'll know better what's good for me and what isn't.

„pablito, don't you have training? you're running late", i said looking at him.

„it's ok, im staying with you"

„no you aren't , i have a doctor which looks after me, now go, it's a prematch training, you cant skip that so easily"

„finee, te amo, see you before the match, ok?

„yo tambien te amo", i said before he left.

we don't say often that we love each other and thats why it means very much.

in my opinion, if you say ‚i love you' to many times, it doesn't have the same value anymore. i think pablo thinks the same because we really just say it when we really feel like the other needs to know it now.

„i'll go and get some help, just stay here i'll be back any second", she said.

the doctor was very nice and i was very glad about it, i really don't need a bad mooded doctor now.

„so, we're taking some blood for the tests and than you can rest. In a few minutes we can get you lunch or if you want someone to get you something, but its up to you"

i just nodded.

the doctors took the blood they needed and left again. i had a television in my room so i decided to watch something. they even had netflix, good job.

i watched some episodes of blacklist since its my nearest favorite serie.

i heard a knock on my door and not many second later a nurse came in with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolate.


she put the bouquet on the table next to my bed.

„this is for you mrs. hernandez", she smiled.

before she left i had the chance ti ask her something.

„who bought them?", i asked curious.

„they said, they want to stay anonym", she said.


who would give me flowers anonymously?

i was so confused.

i started the serie again while thinking about the flowers.

after some while i felt pain in my chest and my head automatically also started hurting.

i never felt this way of pain, in my whole life.

i held my chest until a nurse came back in.

„your results are back", she said while walking towards me.

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