27 | a car did first..

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„i reserved a table in two hours", he said smiling.

„okay, i'll start getting ready". i answered.

he nodded while sitting on the couch next to kai.

i was doing my makeup when i got a call from sira.

i haven't heard from her for a long time, i missed her to be honest.

„heyy kiaa", she said exited.

„heyy siraa", i gave her the same energy back.

„i heard what happened with jasmin, i cant even believe it", she now said.

„yeah, i never thought she would do such a thing"

„yess right, she looked so innocent, such a bitch"


„so, what are you up to? we need to go to the movies sometime, there is new movie"

„im actually getting ready for a date with pablo but im always down for movies", i said laughing.

„ahh i hope y'all have a good night and i'll give you the informations, i think mikky's going with us too!"

„thats amazing! talk to you later?"



she hung up and i continued my makeup. after i finished that i took a black dress i found in my closet and changed into it.

i was exited for the night, because pablo and i never really have been on a date. we had our moments on our beach spot, like picknick or something, but it was never something ‚expensive' or something really ‚fancy'. i liked the picknicks we made, they were always so peaceful and we had our time.

but i mean, i like restaurants too, so i hope it wont be that bad.

„ready?", pablo walked in.

after he saw me he froze and just glared at me. his eyes shining, the reason i fall for him everytime.

the brown eyes.

„yess, i am", i smiled.

Gavis POV:

I walked into her room, because it was time to leave.

„ready?", i said before i froze.

there was she, standing in a black dress.

she looked gorgeous and i cant even describe in words how beautiful she looked.

„yess, i am", she smiled.

the smile with the red cheeks.

my favorite thing forever.

„you look absolutely stunning", i said walking up to her.

i gave her a forehead kiss and she gave me a big smile afterwards.

we walked down together and said our goodbye to kai. his date is in a few, so he was still at home.

„how are you feeling?", i asked her.

„i don't know, kinda nervous, but happy to have this moment with you", she replied.

i smiled at her before i gave her a respond.

„don't be nervous, it'll be great and im happy aswell to have the moment with you amor", i smiled at her and her cheeks turned red again.

this girl does things to me, she'll never understand..


we arrived and i opened the door for her.

Only you | pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now