40 | only you

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„for the hermosa her paella and for-"

„listen asshole, didn't i tell you the last time to back off?", pablo now got up from his chair.

„oh, i remember you're the enano with which i had a bet", the waiter smiled.

„bet?", i asked.

„who the fuck are you calling enano? and what bet, what are you talking", pablo raised his voice.

„yeah, i want to know about that bet aswell", i looked at both of them questionable.

„enano and i had a bet, who you'll choose. we made it last time y'all were here", the waiter came straight to the point.

„are you serious?", i looked inbetween them.

„i never confirmed this bullshit a bet", pablo said looking seriously at me.

in that moment i knew he was telling the truth. pablo has always his serious face expression when he tells the truth. you can always see when he lies, he's hella bad at lying.

„get lost", pablo pushed the waiter aside while taking my hand and leading me outside.

„pablo it's alright, calm down"

„no it's not alright kiana, he cant do this stuff", he said still mad about the situation.

„you cant do anything about-"

i wanted to end my sentence but pablo stormed back into the café.

he's such a pain in the ass.

i looked through the window to see what he was up to, until i saw him infront of the waiter.


oh god pablo, what are you doing.

he took him by his shirt and blabbered some words i couldn't hear.

i walked in again,,towards pablo to lead him away, otherwise he would've choked that waiter.

maybe it would've been the best if he'd done that but he cant be a criminal, especially now when i need him the most.

„pablo, come please", i said grabbing his arm.

he looked at me and than back at the waiter.

„i hope you understood or this wont be the last time", pablo told him.

i never saw this side of him.

is he boiling out of jealousy?

if yes, why?

he's the only one for me and my eyes.

Gavis Pov:

This waiter made me so mad. i don't know what was going on in my head, but something just told me to make him a thing clear.

and the thing was, that kiana is mine, only mine.

kiana was talking to me, trying to calm me down, but i couldn't hold it anymore, so i just went back in.

i knew kiana wouldn't follow me, because she was probably sick of this.

i walked to the waiter, taking him by his shirt.

„listen, i don't want your eyes on her ever again, understood?", i raised my voice.

„can't promise", he smiled dirty.

„oh, so now you want to play with my last nerves, huh?", i said strengthening my grip at his shirt.

„pablo, come please", kiana said grabbing my arm.

Only you | pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now