30 | aleyna

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„it can only be jasmin", he said.


i didn't even thought about her, but why would he think of jasmin?

„why her?", i asked confused.

„after you got hit, she looked worried and afraid", he explained.

fuck her.

i didn't say anything, i just kept silent.

„i need to tell you something", pedri changed the subject.

„go on", i said curious.

„you know the night i wasn't at urs because i was busy?", he added.

i nodded.

„i have a girlfriend", he smiled.

„PEPI ARE YOU FOR REAL?", i said literally screaming.

„yes!!", he now said exited.

„i want to get to know her, imagine we get besties, oh my god", i said.

„im sure y'all will get along very well, i showed her pictures of you and talked about you, she said you Sound really sympathetic and you look pretty", he continued.


„i'll ask her if she'll come visit you after the match, okay?"

„of course!!"

„whats her name tho?", i asked.


he smiled while saying her name, so cute.

„gorgeous name"

„agree", pedri chuckled.

pablo looked at the clock and than to pedri, which nodded.

„we'll have to get going, see you later hermosa", he said kissing my forehead.

pedri gave me a high five and left the room after pablo.

they'll have a match now and i'll definitely be watching it, since i have a television in this room.

i need to cheer for my boys.

before the match could start a nurse came and brought me food, it looked good, but tasted like plastic and medicine.

i wasn't hungry anyway.

Gavis POV:

After we left the hospital, i felt so stupid for leaving her alone.

What if something happens and im not there?
I'll be punishing myself for this my whole life.

pedri noticed that i zooned out and started talking to me, first i didnt hear him but than he started yelling.

„Pablo, i'm talking to you, you know?", he said.

„oh yeah, i'm sorry", i apologised.

„what's wrong? why are zooming out the whole time, you need to focus now. We have a match Gavi", he said.

he always says gavi when he's pissed, so does kiana.

„i will focus, just don't worry ok?", i replied.

„mhm", is everything that came from him.

We arrived at camp nou, since its a home game and walked into the changing rooms.

we are always one of the first which arrive, because pedri ‚cant be late'. Thats what he always says.

Time went by fast and all players came. Xavi explained the lineup and how we should start.

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