Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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(Ashley's POV)

Unknown location in Paris, France,
Around afternoon....

"Ugh, I feel like shit, and more so than usual. Ohh, my head. Where the fuck am I?" I asked myself aloud, and I was immediately lightly shocked by some sort of discipline shock collar as soon as the cuss words left my mouth. "OW! What the fffrick was that?!" I exclaimed in pain as I unsuccessfully tried to sit up fully, and I only got to sit up partially because of the chains around & on my neck & body.

"What the- OH, C'MON! Have I been kidnapped again? UGH! I knew running away from Father's mansion was a bad idea!" I exclaimed as I hopelessly half-struggled, mostly because of boredom and my whatever remaining American spirit I had left in me after all those years of being trapped in that stupid man's house.

Oh, surre. I'm free to go to school and my extra-curriculars that my fucked up Father assigned me.... Oh, yeah. Surrree. I can move freely about the house now. I just can't escape that evil wretched man. Oh, yeah. Thanks to Nathalie, he's A LOT less terrifying now, but he still akumatized me behind her back. I mean, yeah, sure. She eventually does find out and beats the shit outta him, but thats not the point. Oh, Christ. How I hate that man. I wish he would just disappear sometimes. Unfortunately, though..... He's also Adrian's dad, too, and I will betcha exactly $255,000.75 that I'm his trauma to-

My thoughts were thankfully cut off my my best friend (and partner-in-crime, if I do say so myself), Bill Cipher. "Hey, look. If you wanted me to kill him, ya coulda just asked me. Oh, and don't forget about our deal! I take away your severe mental health issues and give you all that you ever wanted, in exchange for a little sleep paralysis from time to time," Bill reminded me, but unfortunately, I was too lost in my thoughts to register my surroundings.

"OH, MY DEAR GOD! BILL!" I cried out as I playfully tried to smack him, but I unfortunately missed. "HAHAHA! Oh, man. Did you see the look on your face when I interrupted your thoughts? Man, your face was PRICELESS! That's some real comedy gold right there!" He exclaimed,laughing historically in his lovable, idiotic, slightly-annoying voice of his as he did. "No, it wasn't. And for the last time, I'M. SO. NOT. FREAKING. CUTE!!!" I replied sassily (half-screamong at him obvi), crossing my arms over each other with a huff after I said it. "Oh, wow. You are so adorable sometimes, aren't you, Ashley? Plus, you know you can't get rid me! You and I both know that I'm irresistible! Also, we both kinda had a deal, soo..." He exclaimed as he levitated around my head. "Yeah, yeah. Shut up, ya big, lovable dork, before I smack you," I replied with a huff (and maybe a slight smirk).

"Oh, my FUCKING GAWD! You two fight like an old married couple. CAN YOU TWO JUST SHUT IT THE HELL UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR DAMN PATHETIC, PRETTY LITTLE LIVES?" A female gaurd outside our cell screamed at us. Honestly, I was thankfully unaffected by it because I was used it from Gabr- I-I Father & school (and thankfully, I didn't have my severe mental health issues anymore thanks to bestie here), but Bill on the other hand.... Complete opposite of my current state.

"EXCUSE ME, LADY?!! Do you not know who I am?! I'm Bill Cipher, expert inter-dimensional dream demon! I could easily snap you out of existence in a heartbeat if I wanted to!!" He cried out in anguish and exasperation, and I just lightly facepalmed my nose & forehead as soon as he said. Oh, sweet Jesus! Please, please, PLEASE help me not to kill someone today! UGH! Can this day get any worse? Aw, dang it! I probably jinxed it, didn't I? Oh, well. It'll probably be fine. Maybe? I thought in slight frustration as I sighed once again in annoyance at the irony of this all (and if I'm being honest, the drama in general). "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, ya strange Dorito," the guard replied with an exasperated huff. Oh, girlie. You poor sweet, sweet, naive soul. You're about to get vanished from thin ai-

I was thankfully interrupted from my thoughts as I heard the unmistakable sound of dress shoes clicking against the cold, hard, dungeon floor towards our cell. "Okay. Uh, huh. Yeah, thank you, Frank. I'll be sure to put you down for our next appointment with me at around 3:43 PM tomorrow evening. Try not to forget this time, okay? I can't afford to lose anymore business days..... Yes, I know. I... I know. Stay safe, stop messing around with the 'Dark Arts', and finish the job once it's done...." Our captor paused awaiting an answer from the other side.

"Wait, WHAT??!!!..... EVAN DID WHAT??!!!.... HE TRANQUILIZED THEM??!!!.... Well, was it just the kid or the strange Dorito with all those weird markings on its body, too?...... THEY'RE WHAT??!!! THEY'RE INTERCONNECTED?!!! ... HOW?!!...... Excuse me, WHAT??!!!.... A dream demon, huh? Ya don't say?.... No, ya idiotic asshole!!! I was being sarcastic, ya stupid dumbass!!!..... Ugh, it's fine. It happens, but just don't do it again, okay?... Good. Well, anyway, what was the doseage of the tranq dart you gave her?.... YOU FOUND IT ON HER??!!!... WHAT THE EVERLASTING HELL was she doing with SEVERAL tranq darts in her bag?..... Oh, good Lord. Help me! Yeah, no. Self-defense my ass! I've seen some fucked up shit in my days, but I've never before seen a 17-year-old with lots of mental health issues tear down a ripped, 12-to-14-abb, 260-somethi-"

"Excuse me, dumbass! I'm right here! I ligit just woke up about 5 minutes ago, and I'd like some answers before I literally lose it! I'm so literally freakin' bored in here, it's beyond insane!" I exclaimed boredly, waving my arms around wildly as I ended my sentence. "Oh, good Lord! We kidnapped another Gen Z teen. Ugh, let's just get this over with. What do you want to know, Ashley?" He asked me as he unlocked my door & leaned up against it coolly. "Well, first of all, one moment, I'm summoning and talking to Bill, the next, my head and entire body hurt like absolute heck, well worse than usual, anyway, and I'm in a cold, dark, dungeon-like room with a rude and sassy adult female as my guard! And another thing-"

He put his hand up to silence me, and I bit my tongue lightly inside my mouth to try to silence a sarcastic scoff. "Thank you. Finally. Now, about your questions, we are the French Federal Government, and we have been picking up some unusual signals coming from the Agreste mansion, and not because of your Father, Gabriel Agreste, kept regularly akumatizing you. We can't really do anything about that because we have no proof, but..." He paused, and he then took out a folded top-secret document from his pocket & started to read it to me.

"Several noise complaints have been made about the Agreste mansion, most commonly related to screaming and arguing over these 4 main things, mostly related to the fights that Gabriel picks between you for no reason:" He paused, glaring at my general direction.

I shrank back at his intimidating glare (Yes, while I no longer suffer from my bipolar, ADHD, severe social anxiety, ODD, OCD, etc., it was still quite terrifying because I unfortunately still had those terrible memories from the wretched man (AKA, Gabriel Agreste), and it did me no good that I didn't have my memory eraser device with me at the time.)

He nodded at my response and continued, "Reason one: No other reason other than to traumatize you. Reason two: You did something against him. Reason three: Normal sibling arguments. Reason four: Because of her severe mental health issues she is submissive to her father, Gabriel Agreste. Obviously, you don't have the last reason because of your little Dorito friend here." "HEY!" Bill screamed at him in anger & exhasperation, but our captor just ignored him, making me roll my eyes at him boredly in annoyance.

"Okay, Bill. That's it. I'm too bored here. Let's go," I replied, shifting into a Black Cobra. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! P-put those poisonous, deadly fangs away and we can talk about this like normal people, oh-okay, Ashley Agreste?" Our captor fearfully asked me, and I flashed him a deadly glare. "One, don't EVER call me by my adopted last name ever again, or you'll deeply regret it. I want absolutely NOTHING to do with that evil and psychologically damaging man. And two," I paused, and I nodded at Bill, who in turn winked back at me. I then seized my chance and quickly slithered to the slightly open window. "Buh-byyee!" I finished in a sing-song like voice as I slithered out of the open window.

"WHAT'RE YOU FUCKING WAITING FOR?! GET HER!! The boss is gonna be super upset with us if we lose her!" "LATEH SUCKAS!!" I exclaimed as my long, pitch-black tail finally exited the window, and I immediately shifted into a human and closed it before they could put another tranq dart into me and make me suffer even more than I already have.

I nodded at my progress, shifted into a cheetah, and broke into a sprint. Fwoosh! Zzoooom!

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