Chapter 13: Oh, Shit! I Fucked Up Badly, Didn't I?

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(Ashley's POV)

I quickly (but gently) closed & locked my door, rolled up my Cheetos & put the clip on it, walked over to my bed, put the half-full bag of Cheetos inside my snack safe, and locked it. "There we go. Now for a little me ti-" "Hi." Bill interrupted, and I think I literally almost had another heart attack because of him. "OH, MY- Oh, it's only you. But still... STOP JUMPSCARING ME LIKE THAT, BILL!! I coulda punched you in reflex, and then you would've been mad and shifted into that large, anger-red terrifying form of yours, then I'd be too terrified to even speak, and then you'd laugh at me, and that's too much of a hassle for me right now, especially not after the day I've had. So. Just. Stop. It!!" I threatened, but he honestly didn't seemed even the slighted bit fazed.

"Oh, wow. Pathetic and naiive. My two favorite things about you. Did you forget that I can give you nightmares, or are you just that forgetful and naiive?" He asked me as he circled around me threateningly in his slightly larger self (AKA, his reversible 'second evolution', per say), making me me almost instantly shift into a black panther cub and cower in terror at his terrifying form and presence, which seemed to satisfy him and made him shift back into his former, normal self.

"Okay, niice! That's more like it," he replied, and not knowing what to do or say (and not wanting to possibility upset him even more), I just kept my mouth shut and stared at him blankly like an idiot, which seemed to only make things worse for me. "Wow, rude much?" Bill replied nonchalantly as he floated in mid-air, and I just kept staring at him blankly like the even bigger idiot that I was.

"Wow, tough crowd, am I right?" Bill replied, and I just kept blankly staring at him like the extreme idiot that I was, not wanting to possibily anger or upset him even more than was nessecerry (which is preferably none, btw). "Oh, well," Bill replied as he floated over to my nightstand dresser and just started staring at me for no reason (other than to probably creep me out, making me possibly scream at him again and him shift into that terrifying fourth form of his to get me to back down).

Anyways, I just tried to ignore him by turning the other way from him and tried to fall asleep, thinking to myself: Please, please, please, PLEASE don't give me nightmares tonight. I have a big French History 101 test upcoming tomorrow. I really can't afford to break my A-B Honor Roll and get screamed at for letting my grades drop to lower than an 82%. I thought as I fell asleep. Or hopefully, he doesn't violate me in my sleep or worse. That was ultimately the worst thing that I could've thought, because it just gave that sadistic Dorito more creative ideas to terrorize me on the daily and nightly, but I just didn't know it yet.

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