Chapter 12: School Time

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(Ashley's POV)

As I walked out to the car, I tried to put in my blue coloed contacts, but I groaned in frustration at the fourth time that they wouldn't stick to my eyes. Thankfully, Adrien paused to help me put them in. "Oh, okay. Thanks Adrien!" I replied as I put my mermaid-colored glasses back onto my face after he'd helped me to put my colored contacts in. "You're very welcome, Ash. Although I really don't see why Dad makes you wear those stupid things when you're eyes are already pretty the way that they are," he replied in confusion as he got into the car and scooted over to the other side to let me, and I just shrugged at him in that same confusion that he had.

"Beats me. Maybe to avoid my real parents recognizing me if they come back to Paris for some reason?" I pondered as I got into the opposite side of the car (after letting Nathalie into the middle of us, of course).

Nathalie gave our bodyguard the signal to drive, and he said, "Yeah, maybe. But who knows, am I right?" Adrien replied, and I just replied, "Yeah, I know. Crazy, right?" as we drove off.


At school,
5th period P.E. .....

I ran as fast and quickly as I could, and thankfully, I broke my record of 6.5 minutes before I fell to the ground on my butt in exhaustion, coughing as I did from running so much without water. "*Cough, cough!* Ugh, time! Time, please," I requested the teacher, and she just handed me the timer, making me gasp in amazement. "Oh. My. Lord. WHOOHOO! Yes! 4.5 minutes, baby! WHOO!!" I exclaimed excitedly, and as soon as I screamed that, I coughed a little because of my lungs and throat being so dry Fromm all of the running that I just did.

"Ugh, I need my water. One minute, Coach. I gotta go get it from the bathroom and refill it, okay?" I replied, and our coach just smiled in understanding and replied, "That's completely understandable, but just be sure to be quick so you don't miss much class." "Thanks, Coach!" I replied as I quickly got up to get my water.


In the bathroom.....

Shhh! Squeak! As I put the water to my lips, I noticed an-all-too-familiar yellow triangle floating above me head in the mirror. "GAH!! Bill! Stop it! I almost had a heart attack because of you!" I exclaimed in anger as I gasp for air from his jumpscare, but he just laughed histerically at my terrified and angry words as he floated in mid-air. I groaned a little in frustration, rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, put my top back onto my water bottle, and walked out.  Ugh, I really don't have the energy to deal with his stupid, shitty nonsense right now. I gotta get back to class before I get a detention slip. I thought as I walked out of the bathroom back towards the rest of the class with my pink water bottle in my hand.


After school.....

I tried to ignore my frustration and anxiety as I waited for Adrien to clock out from work. However... Nathalie couldn't seem to ignore my very obvious body language that showed my frustration and anxiety. "I'm assuming by your body language and how you're picking at your fingernails that you had a rough day at school. So, with that being said, would you like yo-" I reached for the bag of Cheetos that she probably had (this was pretty much a routine of ours if I had a bad day), and she just held back a laugh & handed me my opened bag of Cheetos. "Thanks, Nathalie," I replied, and I could practically feel her smile lighting up the car as we waited for Adrien to clock out of work (and I continued to watch my Assasination Classroom anime).

Step, step, step. Squeak! Sliide! Shut! "Hey, Ashley. Did you have a good d-" Adrien paused, just now noticing the Cheetos beside me and me drowning myself into my anime. "Oh. Well, it's okay. Maybe tomorrow?" He implored curiously as we drove off, and I just now noticed him.

I took out my right earbud and paused my anime. "What? Oh, hi, Adrien! Yeah, it was like a 4 or 5 outta 10, but now I feel much, much better now that it's over and I have my Cheetos," I replied as I took another handful of Cheetos and ate them, and Adrien only smiled at me in response.

"Well, that's great! I'm glad you're feeling so much better now!" He replied with a big  & warm smile on his face as we pulled up to the mansion, and I just looked back at him and smiled back at him in response as the bodyguard stopped the car, got out of it, and walked into the mansion beside each other and talked to each other about our day.

"So, how was your day, Adrien? Hopefully, much better than mine, lol!" I asked him as he opened the door, and he just laughed a little, smiled, and replied, "Yeah, it actually was a pretty good day today, although there were a few stubborn customers," he replied, and I nodded and responded, "Yeah, that's life, dude. But I at least got to spend time with some of my besties." "Yeah, so tru-"

Ahem. "GAH! Uh, o-oh, h-hi Da- I-I mean, Father. Y-you startled me," I anxiously replied, laughing nervously as I talked, but he just waved at me dismissively and replied, "Ashley. Adrien. It's time for karate and fencing. Get ready to lea-" Slide! Click-click! "They both just got home, Gabriel. Let them be, especially Ashley. She's had a bad day at school today, but of course, you wouldn't know that because you are such a bad Father to them both. So drop it, crawl back into your sad, pathetic study, and let them go up to their rooms before I shoot your legs, making you disabled and unable to walk properly, and you really don't want that, now do you?" Nathalie threatened, and he just put in hands up in fear and replied, "Must you point that gun at me, M-" I heard her cock back her gun on more as soon as the words left his mouth. "One more word out of your mouth and I shoot it. Got that, you sadistical sicko, or do I have to show you it?" She interrupted, and I could practically hear him swallow his saliva in terror as he slowly backed off and retreated to his study.

Satisfied with our Father finally backing down, she asked us both, "You two okay, mentally and physically?" I just stood there in shock like an idiot while Adrien tried to speak up for both of us. "Yeah, Nathalie. I think we are. Oh, and thank you, but you really didn't have to-" She shot him a look that said, 'Yes, I did, Adrien. Now, please drop it and get to your room before I make you,' and he thankfully dropped it and walked back up to his room before anything else weird happened.

I just stood there in shock and amazement like an idiot while I tried to process what the fuck just happened here, and Nathalie thankfully shot me that terrifying look of hers that said, 'You too, Ashley,' which finally broke me out of my shocked trance and scared me enough to run up to my room with my Cheetos before she could look at me like that longer than she had to.

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