Chapter 16: My New Horror Show Dreamscape

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(Ashley's POV)

Inside her dreamscape.....

I watched in horror as my Father (who I knew was Bill, but it was still extremely terrifying and I didn't wanna risk him figuring it out and screaming at me and terrorizing me even more because of it) finally snapped and brutally tortured and killed Nathalie and Adrien one by one (via low electrocution, multiple gunshot wounds to the appendages, and then finally killing them by rope stranglulation) while I was chained up (with a muzzle on my mouth, obvi) inside my cage as an adult black leopard, unable to do or say anything but watch in horror.

Blood and gore was splattered all over the former pristine white painted walls, making me gag a little at the sight of my two favorite people's body parts and insides as I watched in extreme horror as he finished up gouging out Nathalie's eyes long after he'd killed her. He then dropped the bloodied and gorified knife to ground; the clatter of the metal against the cold hard floor seeming to be near-deafening as he walked over to me with his bloodied hands, panting in rage and exhaustion as he did with a crazy look in his eyes, a look that made me uneasy as he walked closer. And closer. And closer. To my chained up self inside of my cage.

I shifted my front paws uncomfortably as he opened up the several locks to my cage and put his dry bloodied right hand up to my chin, and my heart started to pound faster and fasater while my breathing became almost uncontrollable as my mind raced with the horrible, possible things that he'd do or say to me.

Thankfully, he just smirked mischievously at my upcoming panic attack, wiped away the blood and bits of gore from his hands with a wet rag (as well as my face and neck), locked back my cage, and walked off to his study, leaving me alone in silence as the terrified and horrified maids started to clean up his mess and the two mutilated bodies that sagged lifelessly along the wall. The smell of bleach and other cleaning products (along with the very faint scent of rot) singed my nose hairs, but I was too focused on my own personal problems and thoughts to notice it.

Why does Bill like to torture and terrorize me like this? Why is he so obsessed with death? What did I do to deserve this nonsense? I thought as my mind started to race even more with even more questions and scenarios with impossible solutions, while my body started to go into a class-2 panic attack as my mind continued to race.

"What the- Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, nooo! Ugh, dang it! I told Dad not to scream at her about getting a 75% her her French History test. 'A C isn't that big of a deal. She still has her A-B Honor Roll in all of her classes and is still taking accelerated classes, so what does it matter if she gets a C every once in awhile?' But nooo! He had to go and send me up to my room to play my piano instead of just letting me help out my sister like the good brother that I actually am! Ugh, I love him, but it just seems like he just hates her for absolutely no reason. Ashley, wake up! I'm right he-"

"Ugh, not him again! It's just getting to the good part!" Bill as Gabriel exclaimed in frustration as he magicked away Adrien's voice to continue his new favorite nightmare.

Snap! Whoosh! My favorite person's soothing voice instantly got cut off, making me almost immediately go back into that previous panic attack that I'd talked about earlier.

"Okay, B-Bill. Y-you got what y-you wanted, which was your s-sick, t-twisted sadistic nightmare, and I g-got what I wanted, which was being able to f-fall asleep faster and n-near instantly. So c-can I dream n-normally now?" I asked him, and he just paused in my Father's form, turned his head slightly back towards me with an evil and malicious smile on his face, and replied, "No. This nightmare isn't over yet until you go into a class-3 panic attack for my own amusement. So, the faster you go into that panic attack, the faster this nightmare will be over. Got it?" He asked me, and I just stared at him paralyzed in terror like the idiot that I was, and he just nodded in satisfaction; smirking as he did; and walked off to another part of the fictional bloodied mansion.

I started to hyperventilate, causing me to dive deeper. And deeper. And deeper into an seemingly inescapable class-4 panic attack, and I swear, at that moment, all that I wanted was to die and end it all as my dreamscape slowly dissolved into a black abyss, devoid of all life (except for me chained up inside my cage and Bill in his normal form, just chilling as he watched my panic attack unfold like the sadistic nightmare demon that he was) and leaving me alone in the complete darkness with my thoughts.

But that's impossible. One, I'm now immortal, and two, God probably isn't gonna be happy that I gave up on him and replaced him with a dream demon. Then again, maybe he'll understand? I mean, he is unconditionally loving, right? I thought as I tried to pull myself out of my already inescapable panic attack, but I knew that it was already way too late to even try to escape it. Oh, who am I kidding? Even if I try to die, I'll probably just come back in my teenage self in my bed the next day!

Riiinnng!! "FIVE MORE NIGHTS! STICK AROUND DON'T BE SHY!" My Spotify blared, but a soothing female voice temporarily interrupted it (AKA, my Alexa). "It is currently 6:25 AM. Please wake up, Ashley." Alexa reminded me. "WE'RE YOUR FRIENDS WE'LL SHOW YOU WHY!" My Spotify continued.

And although I knew that sound all to well, I was too depressed to answer my phone alarm and plug up my earbuds to my favorite songs blaring from my phone as I let myself get swallowed up by the black abyss of my new horror show of a dreamscape. I'm really stuck here on this stupid earth until the ends of time, aren't I? I thought in extreme dispair. Well, I guess that it's time to finally accept it. At least I'll have Adrien and Nathalie with me for the next 80 years, so maybe my life wouldn't be that much of a living hell. I mean, right?

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