Chapter 15: Deals

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(Ashley's POV)

Around 4 or 5:00 AM.....

I woke up in a cold sweat because of the horrible nightmare that I'd just had (probably from that stupid, sadistic Dorito, Bill Cipher, as a punishment for using a tranq dart a couple of nights ago because I couldn't sleep. Or ya know. Just for his sick amusement). My mind was racing, trying it's hardest to at least somewhat try to process what I'd just dreamt about. What. The. EVERLASTING FUCK did Bill just make me dream about? Or was it my over-active teenage hormones that made him violate me in my dreams? I thought as I tried to process it all.

"OH, C'MON, ASHLEY!!!" Bill screamed at me in frustration as he was kicked out of my subconscious. I quickly whipped my head towards the sadistic dream demon that had just violated me in too many ways to count while I was asleep. "Why would you..... How did you even.... I HAVE. SO. SO. SOO. MANY. QUESTIONS. FOR YOU, BILL, RIGHT NOW!!! And I want some fucking answers before I literally lose it!!" I screamed at him in confusion and exhasperation, and he just shrugged nonchalantly. THAT SADISTIC MF JUST FUCKING SHRUGGED AT ME AFTER VIOLATING ME IN MY DREAMS AND SUBCONSCIOUS!!! Do you even KNOW how fucking pissed I was at him because of the trauma that he caused me in my sleep and then just nonchalantly shrugged it off like it was no big deal or some shit like that?!

(And in case you didn't get the very obvious hints that I have been dropping, I was EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY pissed at him for that, as well as him violating me in my dreams (AS MY FATHER, GABRIEL, NO LESS, meaning that I don't trust him even more now b/c of it). Yeah, I think that you'd be that unexplainably pissed at him too if you were in my current situation!)

Anyway, I just stared at him in disgust and disbelief at his actions of pure sadism and evil, but that just seemed to make things a little bit worse for us both.

"Can you stop staring at me like that? It's kinda creepy," Bill politely asked me, which thankfully broke me out of my horrified trance (but also made me want to strangle him even more because of his current ignorance, which we all know is impossible since he's an all-powerful dream demon & I'm just a puny human with a few super-abilities. But we'll see how it plays out idek yet).

"URGH! I am so fucking pissed at you right now, Bill. Get out of my FUCKING life before I call an excorsi-"

SNAP! WHOOSH! "Listen here, you little brat! If anyone should be angry, it's me. Why, you ask? Because I'm already extremely frustrated with your somehow ever-growing fighting spirit, and guess what, you puny bitch? I also had to deal with YOUR INNER DEMONS when I invaded your mind while you slept last night! SO YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BETTER BACK OFF BEFORE I TERRORIZE YOU IN YOUR SLEEP EVEN MORE TOMORROW!!!" Bill threatened me in his 'reversible fourth evolution', making me instantly shift into a black panther cub and fold my ears back in terror while he screamed at me (which seemed to satisfy him, but he just stayed like that for a few more minutes to show that he was really the one in charge, not a puny, teenaged, female human like me).

He then shifted back into his former, normal yellow self, floated back over to my nightstand dresser, picked his Destruction Hawaiian Islands magazine up, snapped up a clone of himself to keep an eye on me, and then continued to read it, as if he didn't just scream at me for trying to get me to back down about wanting my independence from him (although he was clearly very frustrated with me about it, judging by his body language and frustrated eye position)!

I just stood in place in that same terrified posistion for a few more minutes like an idiot before I finally flopped over, scooted myself under my bed, curled myself up into the fetal position, and stayed like that until at least 6 or 7 AM.

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