Chapter 14: Ideas

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(Bill's POV)

As soon as I sensed Ashley fall into a deep sleep, I excitedly put down my magazine about the death toll and destruction of a Hawaiian island by its own volcano and gleefully invaded her mind in anticipation of the chaos that I'd wreak upon her dreams.

"Oh, man! I can't wait to test out those new ideas that she was thinking about before she fell asleep! Hmm... What will I terrorize her with tonight? Murdering her loved ones in her dreams, burning her alive, or violating her in her dreams as her adopted Father? Oh, man! I just can't wait to destro-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I suddenly slammed into an imaginary barrier of some sort, and I then immediately screamed in fit of rage, turning into my extremely large, anger-red self with my multiple arms. "WHAT??!!! THAT LITTLE BRAT!!! I'll show her not to mess with me by keeping me out of her subconscious!!!" I screamed as I tried to break into the barrier, but it was just too strong for even me to break through.

"AAAGGH!!!" I screamed in a fit of pure rage, and I then heard a mischievous chuckle coming from behind me from an unknown figure. I immediately flipped myself around in pure exasperation and rage. "YOU!! BREAK THIS BARRIER BETWEEN ME AND HER SUBCONSCIOUS RIGHT NOW BEFORE I SNAP YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE!!!!" I screamed at the mysterious figure in exasperation, but it just smiled mischievously, super-sped to me, floated above my head menacingly, and replied in a more demonic voice than mine, "No. Only I get to torture her, and even then I don't do it as much as you do, you sadistic Dorito. Now get out of her mind before I-"

I just boredly snapped it out of existence, and the barrier instantly fell to mere dust, finally allowing me to enter her subconscious. "Anyone else want to challenge me?!" I asked them menacingly in my current super-demonic voice, and the other mysterious figures (who I'm guessing are her other emotions and personality) just shrank back in terror and slowly backed into the black abyss that they came from, and I just nodded, evilly & mischievously cackled in anticipation of the havoc & chaos that I'd cause upon her subconscious.

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