Chapter 3: Back to the Present

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(Ashley's POV)

Back to the present.....

I'd been running away from the government for awhile now, and unfortunately, I was starting to get exhausted from it all. Bill, however (since he was a dream demon, after all), was the complete opposite. "Oh, wow. You really are stupid, aren't you? He asked me playfully as I barely jogged into an abandoned building to refresh.

I collapsed from exhaustion and gasped for air (and if I'm being honest, I think that I was too physically tired to even roll my eyes at him). " C... Can you... *gasp, pant* N-not... Right... *pant, gasp* Right n... Now? I... I think I n... Need to... J... Just rest for... For now... Oh... Okay,
B-Bill?" I gasped in between breaths, and he eventually backed off. "Okay, Ashley. Your call," he telepathized, and he then left me alone for awhile to refresh and catch my breath from all of that running.


3-5 hours later....

I awoke in an apartment building that was probably farther away than where I previously was. Oh, great. I must've fallen asleep a few hours after I collapsed on the ground. How fucking typical of me to do that. I thought in frustration as I tried to sit up.

"Oh, YAY! You're finally awake! Now we can play together, my big kitty!" A child-like, female voice exclaimed enthusiastically to me. What the- Who the fuck's kid is this? She has to be at least 5, or maybe even 7 years, tops. I reasoned inside my head in confusion as I looked at the small child hugging my waist.

Oh, dear Lord. Help me not to push away this.... This surprisingly adorable and affectionate child... Huh. Ya know, she kinda seems like... No that can't be right. Maddison is back in the US with everyone else I loved before I was kidnapped by that super evil man, Gabriel Agreste, AKA my adoptive Father. I thought in confusion (and slight anger) as I shook those heart-breaking thoughts from my head.

"What? Why don't you wanna play with me, kitty? I just wanna play with you, and cuddle you, and love you, and keep you with me fowevers!" The small child explained to me with a sad look on her face. Ohh, my heart! This is literally the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my entire life!! I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay for a lit-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone who I'm assuming was the child's legal guardian. "WHAT IN TARNATION??!!! JENNY!" The kid's legal guardian screamed at her in shock, and I (as well as the child) looked up to face her parent. "GRANDMA!!" The child who was supposedly named Jenny screamed in delight, running to her to give her a hug.

"Look what I found in the abandoned warehouse out back! It's a cheetah! Isn't she pretty? Ooh! Can we keep iitt? Pretty please with a cherry on tooppp?" Jenny begged as her grandmother sighed in slight frustration. "Jenny, you know the landlord has an extremely strict 'no pets under any circumstances' rule, and that we could very possibly get kicked out of here if we kept her. So, no, sweetheart. I'm sorry, but we really can't afford to keep her. It's way too risky, and you know that we can barely afford to keep ourselves fed. How do you expect to keep an animal fed and well taken care of?" The grandmother explained, and Jenny's face slowly fell into sadness & disappointment.

"Oh, yeah. That... I dunno. I just thought that I'd figure it out as I went along, Grandma," Jenny explained sadly with a disappointed look on her extremely adorable face, and her grandmother knelt down to her level. "I... I know, sweetheart. I'm really trying to get us a better life, okay? I just need you to stop bringing home all of these wild animals home every single time you go out and play. Some aren't as gentle as this sweet female cheetah here, and I just don't want you to get seriously hurt, okay, sweetheart?" She explained with a sweet smile on her face, and Jenny just nodded in reply as she slowly hugged her grandma again.

"Uhh... I'd hate to break up this very adorable moment between the two of you, but could I please just get some water and a honey-smoked, turkey and cheese sandwich with Mayo and be on my way? I've got places to be," I finally said, but I guess I really shouldn't have because of what they did next.

"GAH!! IT SPEAKS LIKE A HUMAN!! Jenny, get behind me so you'll be safe when kick it out of here, okay, sweetheart?" She politely commanded her, gently pushing her kid behind her back to keep her safe as she picked up a rolled us newspaper and held it in a defensive position. Ah! Rude!  I thought with a semi-hurt look on my muzzle.

"But Gramma, she isn't hurting us! If she did, she'd have already done just that, Granny. Can't we just give her a water and sandwich and then kick her out? I'd hate for her to die of dehydration and hunger because of us," Jenny reasoned, and her grandma sighed and hesitantly put down her rolled-up newspaper. "Alright, Jenny. One water bottle and her turkey and cheese sandwich, then she's out of here, okay?" The grandmother replied as she walked into the kitchen to get my water and make my sandwich. "YAY!!! Thank you, Granny! You're the best!" Jenny exclaimed, giving her a quick hug as they walked into the kitchen.

"Put it in a plastic bag for me, please. I wanna eat it on the way," I requested, and Jenny just gave me a thumbs up as she went into the kitchen to get me my stuff.


"Thanks, and I'll be on my way now," I replied as I took my sandwich in its plastic Ziplock baggie in my mouth, along with my plastic water bottle (which was in a small satchel that was on my waist). As I turned to the door to leave them alone in peace, Jenny came running up to me to give me one last hug before I went away from her forever. "JENNY! Be careful!" Her grandma reprimanded her fearfully, but Jenny seemed to pay completely no attention to her, hesitantly let go of me, and slowly walked back to her grandmother.

I was... Confused, to say the least, but I just shrugged it off and continued on my way.

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