Tag 2: Dead Dove: Do not eat

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D³NE is one of, if not the most misunderstood tags of AO3. Hence it becomes it's own chapter, just to get the point across.

Originally the tag is an enhancement for the other tag. It just means that you really should read the tags. It is what is written on the tin.

Due to darker fics, ones often depicting gore, non-consensual sex, and more, being more in a need of a warning and tag enhancement, people start to think D³NE means just that: gore, insect, torture.

So many people ask on r/AO3 what topics specifically D³NE refers to, but the thing is, it does not mean anything specific. But because it is mainly used for a specific type of fic, people assume it does.

I personally use it as an enhancement. I often tag stuff that will only appear later into the works. I mean D³NE as "this will appear at some point, but not from the start, be patient". Some peeps recommended me to use a different tag, as D³NE essentially has a new meaning at this point. But I do not know what to replace D³NE with.

I may start to clarify at the end of the summary that some tagged things won't appear until later. If the space allows it. Again, AO3 summaries are tiny compared to Wattpad's space.

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