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Have a nice day" the lady smiled brightly and exited the bakery. It has finally hitted 2 o clock meaning my shifts has come to its end.

Today was an awful busy day, costumers entering and exiting from our bake every 10 min while some of them was pretty kind and some others ready to throw fists but let's ignore that  shit.

My thoughts were interrupted when Samantha , my coworker,  came behind the counter to take my spot "You can take your leave now sofia, your shift is over" she said smiling and gesture towards  the staffs rooms. I nodded with a faint smile, taking my apron off and made my way to change my clothes. I entered in the staff's room and luckily I was the only one there,no trace from anyone else.

I approached my locker and took my bag out of there with all my clothes inside.

After a while i finally managed to change in them being extra careful not to hurt any bruised part of my body and put another layer of makeup on my face as it started fading away , that's useless thing didn't even last for some hours.

Ignoring that fact I put on my warm hoodie again and took my bag wearing it around my shoulders after gathering all of my things in there.

With that I left from there and exited the bakery without saying anything to anyone, silence is what I need right  now, my head throbs like crazy so the best for me is taking the way to my lovely lonely park since I have plenty time before heading to my next shift.

As the days are passing more and more cold  the weather becomes  leaving behind the sunny hot days when you didn't have to worry about how to warm yourself or your room in order  to not die from the cold. I don't remember if I metion it but it's November 27 which means my birthday are getting closer.

That  "Special" day is in December 16 which I never celebrate, at least for the past few years I never had the feeling to throw a small party for myself and be the happiest girl ever.

I consider it to be just a day like others , nothing special just an ordinary day of the week.

The long usual trees came in view as I had reached my destination , my sefe place could say someone

But this time it wasn't waiting for me. An old couple was already sitting there  talking and laughing while holding  hands and admiring the view in front of them , they seem to have a nice time,  bad from me to interfere in their happy moment , but to be honest I'm pised

in the end that was my personal space

I know that it's not officially mine but I feel weird seeing someone else sitting in my property. I guess relaxing time has already end. I turned around and took the way to my next job, at the restaurant. I took a cigar out of my pocket and light it , since I am not able doing that back there,  I will do it now.

I slowed down  my pace ,walking like a turtle ,since the left time I have got is enough for me to admire a bit  more the area  around here.

I was walking around looking there and here taking in view every store and shop that was in every possible corner. People passing past me , some with force by bumping on my injured shoulders ignoring my presence completely, while some others  being careful and minding their own business without being rude.

On the other side of the road could be seen some students in uniforms, supposing they ditched and left from their lessons to spend their precious time in things that pleasure them.

Time skip

Now, lighting up my second cigar I started feeling a bit dizzy and my legs have gone numb, the fact that I have been walking for 15 min doesn't help either as I started feeling more exhausted than before,  what a bad idea going on walks when I know what condition my body is in.

Weird of me to feel hungry now , usually I don't get hungry,  it's like my sense of hunger has shat down and I only eat from instinct,  whenever I eat.

Sometimes my coworkers from the bakery offer me bakes and cookies to fill in my tummy but they only do it because they can see how my body appears to be  so their pity has taken actions. But of course I never turn down their offers and accept their bakes since I can't be selfish now, I mean I can't even provide myself 2 meals per day and I will dare to reject free food?. That would be so stupid of me

They might do it out of pity but I have to put my selfish ass aside and not die from lack of food.

The past 5 months things got even harder.....

I was struggling with the amount of money and i had to eat  once in the day and even some times I didn't have food at all to eat so that made me even weirder I could say.

I develop a special talent of mine which I was able not to eat fro some days and not get hungry ,that's  why I said  my hunger sense has been shat down .

But I am not in a position to  complain for anything,  since I am still alive that's a huge relief for me.

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