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Since my legs was getting more and more  numb every time I took a step I decided to sit down and eat some bread I had packed yesterday morning and is still in my bag back.

Across the road could be seen a small park with not many people there, so i believe is the best option for now as I am ready to pass out. I got through the cars carefully and crossed the road in a hurry.

I approached a bench there and throw myself  like a bag of potatoes and stayed like this for a while until I felt fully conscious and my head had stopped throbbing .

The day has not even started yet and I feel that tired.

After some time I rubbed my tired eyes and placed my bag on my lap.

I opened it and grabbed the bread from inside and started taking small bites. Sometimes I allow myself to fly around and wonder, is it better working all day then going straight home to finally rest with the risk that  I will be beaten by their drunk ass or is it better after my very last shift ends  going to my bench sitting there until it hits midnight?

Sometimes I don't even know what's the best option.  Why is it so difficult being normal, like others , those assholes actually destroyed me in any ways people can do.

They took my old happy self and buried it deep in the ground where sun can not see it , how pathetic can I be, loosing the most precious thing of me
My personality......

  I still remember how happy person I used to be, I could laugh and sleep all day, I used to not give a fuck about people opinion and what they had to say, but now is different

I am different.

If a person lose its personality then automatically loses themselves , and believe me I have lost it for good

How can I find my personality again after all this damage that has been caused to me?

A heavy sigh left from my mouth after thinking all of that shit . Just be patient sofia, every month you are  being closer to your grave , hold there and your peaceful life will come to you in few months I suppose,  they will eventually kill me someday that's the only fact I have accepted.

By now I have eaten that loaf of bread ( just a small slice) and took a deep desperate breath before getting up from that bench and started taking the way for the restaurant as the time passes without you realizing.

The restaurant wasn't that  far away from where I was sitting so in 5min I had arrived.

  From those big balconies glasses ,could be seen  a great number of people  enjoying themselves eating and laughing with their partners while waitresses are running here and there with dishes on their hands

I guess "quality- overthinking " time has ended .

I entered inside and not even taking a step farther more my coworker, Andria,  came up to me with sweat all over her forehead and meals in a tray

" get changed and come help, dont waste time "

and with that , rude I would say, sentence she left while shoving my body with a push of her shoulder to my side

What's your  problem dude, it won't hurt you to be more kind I couldn’t even reply , what's with the rush , cool my mate. With that I went to the change-room , wore the clothes that all waitress wear here and started my lovely job...


  Its 12 and my tiring shift ended , damn, why do I feel so exhausted, I wasn't feeling like that some days ago, what is going on in my insides,  am I that tired; ...... I guess I am.

I placed and the last dirty-dishes in the sink, since washing them isn't my job to do , and turned around to leave but my manager was standing in front of me trying to catch my attention,  oops , I must have been day dreaming 

"oh manager, its nice seeing you, what brings you here?" Our manager usually comes here only when is time to give us out monthly salary or when a problem came up

" I wanted to talk to you sofia"

With that everyone who was in the kitchen were now disappearing in thin air

" of course manager as you please but.... did I do something wrong?" I asked frowning as I was never late this month and i was always on my time plus  I have already received my salary
" no no sofia ,the thing is that the past 2 months you worked more than anyone here did, you were working noon hours and night hours which helped us a lot. With that I couldn't let your help slip in that way so I decided that the best for  you would be having  two  weeks off  while receiving some extra income for your hard work  "

He announced happily handing me an envelope with my name on it .  I took it and  I was more than shocked,  are people like him still left in our word, how kind of him   " thank you so much manager... I.... I don't know what to say but I am really thankful" a bright smile could be seen on my face for the first time in months,  but I could say and years.

" No worries sofia , you deserve it" he pated my shoulders and smiled   " but since your shift is over hurry up and go home,  you must be really tired "

he said and approached the door to leave " goodnight sofia" he said and left. I didn't have  the chance to answer back because  it could be seen clearly that i was in shock , what the heck ?

that 2 weeks off , I needed that .I guess luck decided to appear out of the blue. I exited from the kitchen and the moment I stepped into the staff's room plenty pairs of eyes was stuck on me. I didn't paid attention at their judgment stares and started gathering my things, I will just wait until they leave to change my clothes.

After some min everyone started heading out wanting so freaking much to ask what manager discussed with me but hesitation won this time since no one said and asked anything.  Wise choice. 

After I was the only one left there I changed quickly in my clothes and headed home with no buts. I admit that I am scared about what I will face back home since its only 12:30 and they are for sure wide awake at this moment,  but exhaustion is eatng me alive and I need desperately to rest and sleep for at least 3 hours,  that's the  best I can do. I was now heading home taking the usually route thinking that I have to gain super powers and be 10× times more careful than I have ever be , since I will not be able to endure another broken rib, that kind of pain is not easy to endure , believe me,  experience talks here.

After all these theories and talking to myself my house came on view but something was ......off I can say?

Not all the lights was on and the curtains of the living room  are closed?
But they never close the curtains at night time

I ignored that and thought that they would just be more convenient being in the dark , so without waisting time sitting outside in the cold I unlocked the door and enter inside with a awful smell hitting my nose, but.... that smell..... is not only .... smoke ...

I closed the door behind me with the same level of silence and stood there for a while to catch any movements but nothing,  what is happening here.

With that I took my phone and opened the flashlight with hesitation but the scene in front of me was enough to left me with open mouth.

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