
17 1 0

Blood splattered all over the floor with finger stains on the walls sending cold shivers all over my body.

The house is a completely mess. Glasses of broken bottles dressed with fresh blood was enough to convince me that something was going really  wrong. I took a step further inside but stopped right on my hills when reality hit me .

Did an extrover make that mess? Did someone broke in?

I pause for a moment before  gathering all my courage and turned in my psycho side

Well if that's the case , there is no going back. And with that I locked the main door, who ever broke in, better not expect to leave from here alive.
I dropped my bag softly on the side and grabbed my knife from my belt . Since that's the way you want to play,  let's get along.

I made my fist fierce not letting that knife slip for good from my already sweaty hands and started walking towards the living  room as the pool of blood was leading there. Every step i took a step my heart rate was increasing rapidly , but that's not the time to be a coward , from the moment you entered this house you have to pay along sofia.

The door of living room came on view and was slightly open but not enough to take a peep inside.

I run to the side of the door with quite moves not giving any hints thats someone was there,  that i was there.

if I barg in I could be an easy target, so let's take it slow. I re-replaced the knife in my grib as it started slipping from the sweat that started forming  around my tired body and tried to convince myself that i am not scared, what a nice day is today.

I stayed glued on the wall to catch any movements and conversations but nothing,  absolutely nothing , like I was the only one there. Maybe that's the case.

I took a deep breath and thought that it would be safe to just push the door with my leg to opened it a little bit, as I can't hear or see anyone being there
, so now,  luck takes the lead role , if actually none is there then I must say that luck has became my budy, lets count on that.

I pushed the door without making any noise but still wasn't enough, fuck it , I just pushed that door open , having enough of that bulshits with my knife still pointing it in front of me for protection but....seeing what was inside, then i guess the game was over....

I scoffed at the sight in front of me and rubbed my eyes. I closed the door behind me throwing the knife on the now bloody carpet with a loud thud and made my way at the center of the living room  where the cause for this mess was laying

" You two were sth in the end" I had Squated at my now dead parents and whispered with a raspy voice.

A dead Meredith was laying on a pool of blood named Robert but my monolog didn't stop there

  " You fucking freaks" I laughed as I grabbed my hairs and pulled on them hard  ending up falling on my butt, my head is going to explode , that was too much to handle

It's not that I feel sad and sorry for them, I feel like I am going crazy 

" you fucking killed each other "  I said laughing and unknown tears started falling from my red tired brown eyes...

Font misunderstand me , I don't feel sorry , I feel lost.  Until now I had a roof to stay under and Everything was running smoothly,  except their beatings, and now what,  will I live in the streets while having nowhere to go? How more pathetic and filthy can I become.
As I scanned the room , something caought my attention, there was bags with  some kind of drugs laying a bit more far from me on the floor  , I crawl towards them and grabbed them in my hands to examine them , I scoffed , disbelief was running all over me

I got my self up and steady me, while wiping and the last tears of my cheeks
" that was the reason you murdered each other  huh " I said and plopped on the sofa letting the drug bag fall from my hand

" actually you  are more pathetic than me" I said and took a cigar of the many that were laying on the table lighting it and started looking at the deads carefully until I saw.... Robert had his heart stabbed by Meredith, i suppose  Meredith tried to attack him to take that amount of drugs but Robert was enough smart to put his knife in her chest and then she made her move

How can  people  be that advantageous,  they do not count , husband, relationship.... love. They were married , how can they end up like that, fouuuuu, that's so fucked up.  Now what , what I have to do? Call the police and report everything....or.... just bury their bodies in the yard to ignore any kind of examination and troubles with the law.

For now I am not able to do anything,  I feel  too exhausted to make any moves and this house is suffocating me every minute and more .

Maybe that's my destiny , being a burden for the rest of my life  with no family and close people. It's time for you to accept it Sofia, sooner and better.

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