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we leave the staff room and sunghoon says, "i'm free mondays, wednesdays and thursdays. never weekends."

"i'm not free mondays and wednesdays because i have dance. what about tuesdays and thursdays?" i ask him. sunghoon kisses his teeth. "i'm meant to be with my friends on tuesdays but it's okay."

"so our first session is tomorrow." he nods his head and we enter thr classroom. sunghoon went in first and me right behind him. i look at bora and she is so shocked. i sit down and lean in to her ear saying, "i'll tell you at lunch."

*the next day*
the end of thursday is slowly creeping it's way. this whole day bora has been keep on blabbering on about how i have to tell her everything that happens. jake has come up to me and asked if i'm ready to tutor sunghoon. there shouldn't be anything i should be ready for, it's just tutoring a guy who is so annoying. the bell rings so i pack up my stuff and put them in my backpack. i stand up and sunghoon is already stood up next to me. i ignore him for now and walk with bora. "i'll message you later!" i shout as she runs down the hall. she waves as a response to my phrase.

i look at sunghoon who's just standing there so i just start to walk to the library. we sit at free table and place our stuff down. i wait for him to take out his textbooks but he just stares back at me. i make a confused face as he makes one back. "do you not have any textbooks?" i ask him. he covers his mouth with his hand. "oh shit, no, i forgot to bring them." he says then laughing awkwardly. i slap my forehead and take a deep breath. "it's fine because i brought my ones in case something like this happened." i say whilst throwing my books on the table.

it's been 30 minutes since we started and sunghoon is actually paying attention and listening. i thought he would just be on his phone and be asleep at this point. that made me a bit less mad at him. "okay, so with this, you have to carry the one over," i say whilst looking over to make sure he's listening and he's close. super close. i gulp and quickly look back at my the textbook to carry on explaining. i hear him chuckle to himself. he knew i got nervous. i don't want to give him that satisfaction. so, i should make him nervous to.

15 minutes past since the whole close face thing and i see him on his phone instead of writing in his book. perfect timing. i scoot my chair a bit closer to his and take his phone away. sunghoon immediately looks up to be met with my face. "you should be paying attention to me, sunghoon, not this." i say whilst placing his phone down on my right side so he's far away from it. i keep staring into his eyes, waiting for an answer. he gulps just like i did and replies, "yeah, sorry y/n, i'll pay attention." and with that, he moves his head back and picks his pen up.

i turn on my phone to check the time and it's 4:17. two minutes over the time we planned. i close the textbook i was teaching him from. he looks up at me. "it's past our planned time for this session." i say whilst gathering all my stuff up. as i'm doing that, sunghoon just watches me. "can you stop staring creepy ass." i say to him in annoyance. sunghoon leans back into his chair, manspreading and his left hand dangling on his thigh and his right hand on his cheek so his head can lean on it. oh wow. "the more i look at you, the more beautiful you get, sweetheart." sunghoon says in a calm, low voice.

challenge accepted ~ park sunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now