Chapter 3- Unlucky (+A/N)

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(Once again, some notes.

In my AU, countryhumans are different from the governments so they can get along even when the leaders don't. However, if a relationship between two countries is bad in the real world between leaders, it takes a long time for those two countries to become friends unless one is completely against their leader. Even then, it's still difficult.

The unions are basically like the teachers and just really want peace.

Thank you for listening to my rant once again.)

Ame was lost.

That was official. He probably should've grabbed a map of the school when he had the chance. Oh well. He stumbled along. He didn't realize he would be so hopelessly lost later. His first class was near the entrance. He wasn't sure where his next one was. 

The warning bell rang. Ame sighed. Fun. Although his first period teacher, BRICS, told him that he would be excused if he was late, he wasn't so sure. After all, the World Languages and Cultures class was easy to access. 


Ame jumped, and turned around. He saw who startled him. 

"Are you lost?" NATO, the math teacher, asked, "I can help you find the way." 

Ame nodded, "Do you know where C15 is?" he asked.

"C15? Oh! You are in B hall right now. Go to the intersection there with F hall." He pointed to the intersection, "Then turn right onto F hall. After that, you'll see an intersection with C hall. Turn left and continue until you see the sign." 

"Okay. Thanks, NATO!" Ame said happily. 

"Hold on." NATO pulled something out of his pocket. "Take this. It's a map, so you won't get lost later." 

"Thank you so much!" Ame quickly started speedwalking, because running wasn't allowed. He made it with 5 seconds to spare. Contrary to popular belief, there were certain aspects of school he liked, just not all of it. That was one reason he hated being late; you didn't know whether it was a good or bad class.

Phew. Ame thought. I should memorize the map.

Then he looked at his classmates. Oh no.

Just his luck, other than Japan, they were all countries he had bad relationships with.


Everyone was looking at him. China, North Korea, Vietnam. Everyone.

"Hello." The teacher, EU, greeted him. "Ame, correct?"

"Um, yes." Ame answered nervously.

"Hmm, okay." She marked her paper, then pointed to a desk. "Sit there. We have assigned seating. Helps with attendance."

Ame sat down and set his backpack on the floor. He got a table shared with Cuba, Russia, and Japan. Okay, He thought. Not too bad. Then Cuba glared at him.

"Not a word." she said. Fun.

Ame looked around. It wasn't everyone he had wronged, just some, but it still overwhelmed him that the only friend he had in the class was Japan. He better fix his relationship with Russia. Speaking of the country, Russia refused to make eye contact with Ame. Looks like Ame would have to talk with him another time.

So science continued. There were some fine new discoveries. Ame did notice something interesting: They were going to do a lab next Tuesday. The lab itself was lighting a match with another match and a rubber band. Interesting. Ame would probably fail that.

It felt like eternity when the bell for dismissal finally rang. The students got up in a hurry and flooded out the door. North Korea, who had been packing his stuff, almost got trampled. His stuff fell to the floor. Ame came over and helped him pick it up. At least he could try to make friends with someone.

"Thanks." NK said. 

"No problem." Ame reassured, "Hey, you have a lot of art supplies. I didn't know you liked to draw."

NK looked away, "Well, I do. Please don't tell anyone." 

Ame stared at him, "Why would you want to keep it a secret? Nevermind, can I see some of your drawings?" he asked.

NK though for a bit. "Okay, but on the way to our next class maybe?"

Ame thought, "What do you have?"

"Living skills."

"Same. We can arrive at D1 early and talk about it." Ame finalized.

"Okay. That's fine with me." NK replied. 

They walked to class. Once they arrived, NK took out a sketchbook and showed some finished drawings. 

"NK... These are amazing! Why wouldn't you want to show them?" Ame looked at the drawings in amazement. He drew pictures of South Korea and China, and incredibly realistic ones too. 

"It's really nothing." NK replied, "China's just easy and SK can be as still as a statue sometimes." 

"You should share them with the world! They're fantastic!" 

NK fiddled with his hair. "I don't know." He stayed silent. The warning bell rung. He then inhaled.

"I wanted to say sorry." 

Ame looked at him, "For what?"

"The past." 

Ame sighed, "It's okay NK. I apologize as well. We should let the past be the past." 

NK looked up, "Friends?" 

Ame smiled, and nodded, "Friends." He still had to be cool with Russia, but for now, that was fine.

He had made a new friend.

Countryhumans: Apologize (A RusAme Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now