Chapter 21 ~Memorial~

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(You can skip the clan listings I did it to give an idea of clan sizes)



{Leader: Soot'Star}{Deputy: Mud'Cloud}{Med: Thistle'Winds}{Warriors: Amber'Oak, Oak'Heart, Night'Dapple, Skull'Fate, Crow'Pebble, Hope'Song, Flaring'Orchid, Ash'Rain (Dead), Poppy'Snow (Dead), Steel'Tail, Ivy'Pebble}{Apprentices: Dapple'paw, Cedar'paw, Twilight'paw, Cloudy'paw, Dusty'paw}{Kits: none}{Queens: none}{Elders: Flaming'Skys, Wishing'Flames, Lupus'Eye, Oak'Stream, Cloudy'Eye}


{Leader: Clover'Star}{Deputy: Feather'Tail (Dead)}{Med: Berry'Web}{Warriors: Cherry'Bright, Rose'Spirt (Dead), Misty'Dream, Sunset'Whisker (Dead), Twig'Breeze, White'Patch (Dead), Clay'Strike, Violet'Cloud}{Apprentices: Silver'paw, Ruby'paw, Ash'paw}{Kits: Wolf'kit, Fire'kit, Dead'kit, Snake'kit, Onyx'kit, Frost'kit}{Queens: Honey'Shadow, Leopard'Breeze}{Elders: Sun'Fall}


{Leader: Birch'Star (Dead)}{Deputy: Dancing'Winds}{Med: Lightning'Leaf}{Warriors: Ginger'Whisker, Red'Moon (Dead), Silent'Scar, Crystal'Pool, Lion'Pride (Dead), Winter'tail, Ice'Rose, Black'Ice}{Apprentices: Gold'paw, Lemon'paw}{Kits: none}{Queens: none}{Elders: none}


{Leader: Faded'Star}{Deputy: Mangrove'Strike}{Med: Wild'Mist}{Warriors: Lone'Soul, Hawk'Blood (Dead), Rose'Vipper, Rudy'Song (Dead), Raven'Thorn}{Apprentices: Pearl'paw, Hail'paw, Moth'paw}{Kits: Dawn'kit, Grey'kit, Dark'kit}{Queens: Silver'Night}{Elders: Hazel'Wing, Black'Talon}


{Leader: Helios'Star}{Deputy: Gliding'Ripple (Dead)}{Med: Solar'Mint}{Warriors: Gold'Sand (Dead), Sunny'Root, Hornet'Streak, Orchid'Stare, Splash'Flame}{Apprentices: Sun'paw, Lion'paw, Sight'paw, Bright'paw}{Kits: Flame'kit, Lava'kit}{Queens: Honey'Spark}{Elders: none}


{Leader: Mountain'Star}{Deputy: Gravel'Berry}{Med: Tall'Stone}{Warriors: Venom'Hound, Fern'Peak, Boulder'Hop (Dead), Berry'Bone, Rust'Thron, Clay'Thorat (Dead), Fox'Scream}{Apprentices: Rook'paw, Snail'paw}{Kits: none}{Queens: none}{Elders: none}

Crimsonclan: (It's run as a monarchy-type system)

{King: Echo'Moon (Dead)}{Queen: Splattered'Cloud(Dead)}{Warriors: Toffee'Cream (Dead), Ezra (Dead) Rage (Dead), Moth (Dead), Spike (Dead), Thorn (Dead), Broken'Flood (Dead), Silver'Scream (Dead), Swan'Echo (Dead), Owl'Surge (Dead), Luna (Dead), Tear'Drop (Dead), Blood (Dead), Adder (Dead), Leo (Dead), Thorn (Dead), Jay (Dead), Burn (Dead), Glory (Dead), Poison'Claw (Dead)}{Apprentices: Valley'paw, Bold'paw, Murky'paw, Sap'paw, Fog'paw, Timber'paw}{Kits: Storm}{Elders: none}


I sit in front of the graves of the deseeded cats. "Mud'Cloud, are you alright?" Mangrove'Strike asked sitting beside me, "Yeah..." I smile, "The clans are safe, we defeated Crimsonclan," Mangrove smiled, "We did," I smiled, "I have to go do something," I say getting up, "Alright," Mangrove nodded. I run across the Thunder Path and look down at Echo'Moon's body still lying on the ground, I walk over to his body and start digging a hole in the dirt. "Excuse me..." I hear a soft voice; I turn around to see a thin she-cat, her white coat is long and looks soft, "have you seen-" she begins, "ECHO!" the she cried running over to Echo'Moon, I back up a bit confused, "What happened to him!" she cried, "I- uh..." I begin unsure of what to say, "Please... what happened to my brother," she pleaded, "He... he was tainted by Dark Forest..." I mutter, "What is Dark Forest?" she asked, "It's where all the evil cats go after they die..." I explain carefully, "What did he do...?" she asked, "He- he has killed many cats..." I mutter the she remained quiet as she gazed down at her dead brother, "Did he kill anyone close to you?" she asked looking me in the eyes, "He did..." I mutter, "Who?" she asked, "One of my best friends... then my mentor... and-" I pause looking up at the dark sky, "My sister... along with their kits..." I sniffle. "I'm so sorry... I didn't know my brother could ever become such a monster..." she sighed, "how was he before he left the two legs?" I ask, "He was very drawn to the forest, and he kept to himself most of the time, but he was very caring..." she muttered, "Who killed him?" she asked, "I did..." I mutter, "Did he do that to you...?" she asked seeing all the herb bandages over my body, I nod. "Mud! Are you ready to get back to camp?" Soot called, "Just a moment!" I call back, "How long have you been looking for him?" I ask, "I'm not sure... my owner died, my brother got taken by other two legs, but I was just left... so I've been out here ever since..." she sighed, "You could always join us," I smile, "Really?" she asked, "Yea, as long as you don't mind hunting, and maybe being monitored-" I laugh a bit "monitored?" she asked, "Yea- the last cats we've invited in all got corrupted- we would just make sure you don't go down that path either," I explain, "Oh, alright," she smiled. We walk up and across the Thunder Path and see Soot, "This is my brother Soot'Star the leader of Riverclan," I introduce, "Soot, this is-" I start, "Cloud," she smiled, "It's nice to meet you," Soot nodded, "Cloud wants to join Riverclan," I say, "Oh, that's great, Riverclan is always ready to welcome another warrior," Soot smiled, "When we get back to camp I'll hold a meeting about you joining," Soot smiled, "Fun!" Cloud smiled, "We'll have to watch her... she's Echo'Moon's sister... she seems nice enough, I just don't want her to get corrupted," I whisper to Soot as we start walking. When we get back to camp, I'm tackled by three apprentices, "You're back!" they smile, "Get off your mother," Skull laughed walking over, "How was it? Did you win?" Twilight'paw asked, "Yea we did," I smile, "Where's Splattered'Cloud...?" Oak'Stream asked padding over, I pause, "Dad... she didn't make it..." I mutter, "She didn't make it..." Cloudy'Eye asked stumbling over, "I'm sorry mother..." I mutter, "Echo'Moon killed her before I could anything..." I sigh my ears flattening.


I watch as Mud'Cloud tells their parents about their sister, I feel horrible, Mud'Cloud's mother looks so much like my own mother, but the she is covered in old scars and injuries. Soot'Star jumps up onto the rock and calls the clan, "We have won a great battle! We have taken down Crimsonclan," Soot'Star announced, "And! We have a cat who wishes to join Riverclan! Cloud, please step up," I nervously step out in front of the cats, "Would you like to say anything to your new clanmates?" Soot'Star asked me, I nod, "The floor's yours," he smiled, "I just want to say, I've heard everything my brother has done to your clan... my brother being Echo... I could have never imagined he would do anything like what he did... I promise all of you I won't do anything that he has done, I am deeply sorry for my brother's actions..." I apologize, I glance over at Mud'Cloud to see them smiling softly, "I trust you won't go down the same path as Echo'Moon," Soot'Star nodded, "Now, under the name of Starclan your new name shall be Cloud'Dusk, and although you are the age of a warrior, I will have Flaring'Orchid teach you the ways of the clans," Soot'Star nodded, I smile, "Clan dismissed!"


I watch as Flaring'Orchid walks up to Cloud'Dusk, they exchange a few words and then head out, "Mud," Skull'Fate said sitting next to me, "Yea?" I ask, "I need to talk with you..." he muttered, "What is it?" I ask a little worried. I follow Skull out of camp, "I have been told it's time for me to return to death..." Skull muttered, "No- I still need you-" I begin, "I was brought back to help you defeat Echo'Moon... and in return, I would be let into Starclan..." he sighed, "But Twi..." I begin, "Mud... I love you... but my stay has been far too long... if I stay any longer my body will only decay more..." he muttered, I pause and look down at my paws, and a tear falls from my fur and lands on my paw, "Mud'Cloud... you have made me the happiest tom... I only killed those cats so they wouldn't hurt you... it was blind rage... I was lucky enough to be able to redeem myself..." he says, "I just don't want to lose you again..." I cry, "You won't lose me... I'll always be with you, just not in a physical sense," he said nuzzling me, "Mud! Oh..." Thistle muttered, "Could you get the kids?" Skull asked Thistle, she nods and goes to find them, "Mama? Dad? Is something wrong?" Twilight'paw asked, "Say goodbye to your father..." I sniffle, "Wait what...?" Dusty'paw asked.


Mama cries as Dad tries to calm them down, "It's ok Mud..." Dad whispers, "It's going to be ok Mud'Cloud," a tom said, I jump as I see a fully white tom, "Coco'Pelt...?" Mother asked, "You did great Mud'Cloud... but it's time for Skull'Fate to leave the living world..." the tom said, "I'm going to miss you..." Mother cries nuzzling Dad, "Me too, my love" Dad smiled softly, Dad goes limp against Mother and the cool red lights in his eyes fade as well as the white tom.


I sit looking out at the water as I just relax, I watch in the distance as Twilight'paw, Dusty'paw, and Cloudy'paw train, but I can't help but feel I'm being watched, I look around seeing nothing, I shrug it off and lay my head down for a nap in the sun. Finally, we didn't have to worry about Echo'Moon's terror, it's been 4 moons since the battle, the clans are at peace, and I can sleep easy now. Everything has come to an end at last, but... the sense of being watched doesn't go away...


The End...

(I want to make another book possibly! But only if you want it! Hope you enjoyed it! I am planning on making this a movie! It will be posted to the account Gotchawolf on YouTude! If you would like to join the Film Crew and be a part of the movie my TikTok is EmberShade and my Instagram is EmberShade_vibes the film crew applications are on my Instagram but I will post a teaser on my Instagram and TikTok!)

-Total word count: 1526-

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