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"Have you found the flowers?" Muzan's voice echoed through the grand chamber of the infinite fortress, filled with impatience and anger.

"No, my lord," the demon trembled, bowing before him. "I'm afraid I have not been able to locate it."

Muzan's eyes narrowed, his rage boiling over. "How hard is it to find a single flower? Are you all so incompetent that none of you, not one of you six upper moons, have the ability to locate a singular flower?"

Rage. It was a familiar emotion, an ever-present companion for the king of demons. He despised demon slayers, yet they remained relentless. He despised change, yet the seasons continued to bloom. He even despised his upper moons, yet he still kept them close. But rage... rage was constant, unchanging.

"If I may suggest something," Douma, the second upper moon, spoke up, his voice cautious yet daring. "There's a family not far east. They have something that might intrigue you."

Muzan's gaze shifted to Douma, his piercing eyes making the other demons in the room shudder. "Continue."

"There's a family known as the L/Ns. They specialize in cultivating spider lilies," Douma explained, his voice resonating throughout the grand hall. "According to my sources, they once possessed a rare variety. It is said that the family's bloodline carries the remnants of the blue spider lily, passed down from their ancestors."

Muzan's interest was piqued. "Finally, something useful. What do you suggest?"

Douma's voice carried a dark and sadistic tone. "Eliminate the entire clan, but spare the infant girl. Turn her into a demon and see if she can withstand the sun. If she proves capable, then you can devour her."

The idea, though wicked and twisted, suited a demon perfectly. And so, that very night, the L/N family fell victim to a brutal attack, their blood staining the earth. Only an infant girl remained, spared by the demon lord's command.

Muzan Kibutsuji left the scene, cradling the innocent girl in his arms, as the rest of the family bathed in their own demise.

"Y/N, was it?" Muzan spoke softly to the child but his voice devoid of any kindness or warmth. From that day on, the fate of the girl had been sealed.


It's been a while how is everyone doing? I missed you guys <3

This book will officially launch on May 12th 2024. Save it or book mark it till then! 

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