Chapter 1

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Friend or Foe? 

He could not decide.

As Muichiro approached the figure lurking in the shadows, his senses conflicted. As a Hashira, his duty was to eradicate demons that crossed his path and protect the innocent. Yes, that was his duty.

But this situation felt different, something was off.

Ordinarily, Muichiro could easily detect the bloodlust emanating from a demon. It was one of the most striking features about them. However, something wasn't right this time. The lingering traces of demon presence in the air clashed with an undeniable aura of innocence.

[This isn't right.]

The Mist Hashira drew closer, his steps cautious. 

Finally the darkness yielded, allowing for his eyes to see clearer. Bathed in the soft moonlight, stood a small and delicate girl. The surrounding fireflies danced around her, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the grass.

As you turned around to face the demon slayer, a warm smile graced your lips, and you greeted him with a friendly wave. "Hello," you said, your voice filled with calm and serenity. "Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?"

Muichiro's eyes widened in surprise, momentarily captivated by the enchanting scene before him. Yet, his Hashira instincts kicked in, and his caution didn't falter at your kindness. 

Just who were you?

"You shouldn't be out here. It's dangerous," Muichiro warned, his right hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. Your appearance was deceptively human, but your sharp teeth and nails juxtaposed this.

Despite your lack of  malicious intent, Muichiro remained alarmed, unsure of your true nature and the intentions that lay beneath your gentle demeanor.

You tilted your head curiously, your eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Dangerous? But I feel no threat here. Tell me, what should I fear?"

Muichiro's brows furrowed, he didn't miss the teasing tone that lingered at the end of your sentence. He's never encountered someone like you before, as if you stood right between the boundaries of demon and man. 

[That's not possible]

Usually he didn't have a second thought about finishing a demon but what if you were human? He would be killing an innocent civilian then. 

"You may seem harmless, but appearances can be deceiving," Muichiro replied, his voice grey and monotoned. "Tell me, who are you? What brings you here?"

You raise an eyebrow at the boy, unimpressed by his seriousness.

"I'm here to pay someone a visit, but it appears I may have gotten lost," you laughed, showing no signs of unease but more of embarrassment. "My name is L/N Y/N. I was looking for your master, but his mansion is just so hard to find."

Muichiro's interest piqued at the mention of his master. "What do you want with the Master?" he asked.

"Oh, it's a matter of confidential importance. I'm afraid I can't disclose the details," you explained, feeling a little proud at your intense vocabulary. Still, the boy infront of you was strange. You could tell he was well trained, a Hashira perhaps, you had heard that Hashiras were the strongest amongst the demon slayers.

"But you're just a little girl," Muichiro remarked, unaware of the potential offense his words might carry. "Surely you can't have anything that important."

You raised an eyebrow, giving him an unimpressed look. "And you're just a little boy. Surely you don't have the capacity to understand," you sassed back.

Before Muichiro could respond with another misguided comment, a crow swooped down, interrupting the brewing tension between you. The bird cawed loudly, drawing both your attention to its presence.

Muichiro's gaze narrowed as he recognized the crow. "It's one of my master's messenger crows," he said, his voice not betraying any colour.

As if understanding the significance of the moment, the crow dropped a small scroll at Muichiro's feet before taking off into the night sky. Muichiro quickly retrieved the message, his eyes scanning its contents.

"What does it say?" you asked, curiosity evident in your voice. "Is it fan mail? Your crow has good taste!"

Muichiro's expression shifted, his features softening as he looked up at you. "The master requests an audience with you, L/N. Apparently, he wishes to discuss matters with you.

A mix of satisfaction and intrigue crosses your face, and Muichiro sees your expression light up in joy.


[What a pain.]

"Then lead the way...?" 

"Tokito, Muichiro Tokito." he replies

"Then lead the way, Tokito." You smile, ushering him to hurry up. 

"What is it?" Muichiro asked, observing your clear distaste towards the purple flowers that adorned the surroundings. Ever since you had entered the Wisteria, you had been plagued by incessant sneezing and coughing. "Do you have allergies to flowers or something?"

Between your teary-eyed sneezes and fits of dry coughs, you managed to mutter an affirmation. "Something along those lines."

"Weakness noted."

You ignored his comment.

"Tell me about your business with the master" the Hashira continued, his tone laced with a hint of annoyance. Although he didn't feel pity looking at your condition, he couldn't shake off the irritation of having his patrol time interrupted.

"I have an important request, and I must see it through," you explained, forcing yourself to hold your breath to avoid inhaling the pollen that filled the air. "How much longer will this take?"

"Just a couple more turns," Muichiro replied, his words tinged with impatience. "If you pass out, I'll just leave you here to rot."

(he is so kind!)

Despite his cold remark, Muichiro knew deep down he could not leave you. Firstly, the master would probably scold him. Secondly, it wasn't morally right to do. 

[Do I care for such morals though...?]

After what felt like an eternity, the winding path finally opened up to reveal a magnificent mansion before you. Its grandeur stood in stark contrast to the simplicity of the surrounding nature.

You gasped in awe, momentarily forgetting your discomfort as you took in the sight. The mansion exuded an air of power and mystery, as if secrets whispered within its walls.

As you approached the entrance, Muichiro's let out a sigh of relief, glad to finally be rid of you. "We've arrived," he said begrudgingly "try not to embarrass yourself in front of the master"



Fun facts: 

- Y/N really really  wanted to sneeze on Muichiro but decided to spare him 

- Because Muichiro first saw Y/N in the moonlight, he thought she was a spirit.

Demon's humanity (Muichiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now