Chapter 6

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The next morning, you awaken to the cheerful chirping of birds outside the window, the soft golden light of dawn filtering through the curtains. Stretching your limbs, you sit up and glance over at Muichiro, who is still sound asleep in his bed.

As you lie on the floor, feigning annoyance but secretly amused by the situation, you can't help but laugh at Muichiro. Despite his usual stoicism, his actions speak volumes about the fact that he secretly cares, even if he refuses to acknowledge it.

Perhaps is words would prove you wrong but the blanket that suddenly spawned on your body overnight proves you right.

Deciding to let him rest a while longer, you quietly slip out of the room and make your way downstairs to the inn's common area.  Since the majority of your earlier years had been under Lady Tamayo's care, it limited your childhood,  you couldn't enjoy things like a normal kid. 

Perhaps she sent you to the Demon Slayer Corps in hopes of you making friends. What a silly thought...

Lost in contemplation, you're brought back to the present when Muichiro joins you, his hair tousled from sleep but his expression as stoic as ever. With a nod of greeting, he takes a seat across from you, his attention fixed on the cup of tea in front of him.

"Did you sleep well?" you inquire, breaking the silence that hangs between you.

Muichiro nods, taking a sip of his tea before responding in his usual succinct manner. "Enough."

Always the dry response... at least it was another successful mission.

As you and Muichiro make your way back to the Demon Slayer Headquarters, the bustling streets of the town are alive with activity. People hurry about their daily routines, their faces a mixture of doubt and weariness in the wake of recent demon attacks. 

(Hopefully it will get better soon...)

On your way home, you unexpectedly bump into another Demon Slayer, Mitsuri. Despite her over energetic self, Mitsuri's demeanor is remarkably warm and inviting. Her presence brings a sense of cheerfulness that has you wanting to jump and squeal with her despite not having a reason to. Her energy was infectious. You loved it.

"Hey there!" Mitsuri greets with a wide smile as she approaches, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. You return the greeting with equal fervor, glad for a chance to see her.

As Mitsuri joins your conversation, she shares some news she received from the master. Her bubbly demeanor shifts slightly as she relays the information, her expression becoming more serious.

"You won't believe what the master told me," Mitsuri begins, her voice lowering slightly as she leans in closer. "Shinobu and Tomioka have been dispatched to deal with a group of troublesome demons on a nearby mountain. Rumor has it that one of them is a lower moon."

Her words hang heavy in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in. A lower moon poses a significant threat, one that requires the expertise of the Hashira to handle. You can only pray there aren't many casualties and the slayers will return safely. 

"They should be back in two days," Mitsuri continues, her tone laced with concern. "The master wants to convene a Hashira meeting afterward to discuss their findings."

You and Muichiro listen intently to Mitsuri's words, absorbing every detail with attention. The Hashira meeting adds an air of urgency to the situation, Shinobu and Tomioka's mission must've been important.

"Thank you for updating us Kanroji!"

"Of course! Stay safe out there." 

You exchange farewells before continuing on your journey back to headquarters. Muichiro stays silent.

As you and Muichiro walk back towards the Demon Slayer Headquarters, the conversation with Mitsuri weighs heavily on your mind. Something was off about this, you could feel it. 

"Muichiro, do you think Shinobu and Tomioka will be okay?" you ask, your voice tinged with concern. "I mean, facing a lower moon demon is no small feat."

Muichiro's response is characteristically blunt. "Let it go. They're not important."

His words catch you off guard, and you can't help but bristle at his dismissive tone. "How can you say that?" you retort, your voice rising slightly. "The lives of all the Demon Slayers are important. What if something were to me? Would you even care?"

Muichiro doesn't respond to your question, instead casting you a strange look before quickening his pace. Frustrated, you scurry to match his strides, calling out for him to wait.

By the time you arrive back at the estate you share with Muichiro, the sun has already dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape. As you step inside, you notice a letter waiting for you on the table, confirming Mitsuri's words about the upcoming Hashira meeting in two days.

Deciding to make dinner for the two of you, Muichiro sets about preparing a meal while you settle down on the couch. This was normal since Muichiro says he would never trust you in the kitchen. Usually you would attempt to help, however, the exhaustion from the day's events catches up with you, and before you know it, you've drifted off to sleep.

As Muichiro finishes preparing the meal, he notices you dozing off on the couch. He observes you for a moment, a flicker of amusement crossing his otherwise impassive expression. 


Quietly, he sets the table and plates the food, his movements precise and deliberate.

"You should eat," he murmurs softly, though he knows you can't hear him in your slumber.

Once everything is ready, Muichiro glances at you one last time before carrying the dishes to the table. He serves himself a portion of the meal and begins to eat, the silence of the room punctuated only by the sound of utensils against plates.

What would I do if something were to happen to you? Muichiro doesn't want to think about the answer to that question. It confuses him. Why does he care? He never cares.  

As he finishes his meal, Muichiro cleans up the kitchen with practiced efficiency. Glancing back at you, still peacefully asleep on the couch, he hesitates for a moment before deciding to let you rest.

Gently, he lifts you into his arms, mindful not to wake you, and carries you to your room. Carefully laying you down on the bed, he pulls the blanket up to cover you before pausing at the doorway.

The food's gone cold.

He'll heat it up for you when you're awake.

"Rest well," he murmurs softly, his voice barely above a whisper. With one last glance, he exits the room, leaving you to sleep peacefully through the night.


- The only vegetable you can cut is onions but you decided that you did not like cutting them.

- You and Mitsuri often sit together and gossip about her new developments with Iguro. 

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