Chapter 5

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A few hours later,  Muichiro wakes you up through... less than kind methods. 

"You could've shaken me awake, you didn't have to rip my blanket off. Now I'm cold!" You protest as you try to return to your slumber.

"We have to get going now that the sun is down." The mist Hashira replies in his usual monotone voice, "besides you wouldn't have woken up through nice methods."

You and Muichiro make your way into the village, intent on gathering any hints or information that could lead you to the source of the disappearances. There's almost no one left on the streets now, only a few men on their way home. After much looking, the two of you finally came across a blacksmith, his hands stained with soot and sweat as he hammers away at a piece of metal.

Approaching him, you ask about any recent occurrences in the village, hoping to glean some insight into the mysterious disappearances. The blacksmith pauses his work, casting a wary glance in your direction before speaking.

"Aye, there's been a bunch of young girls disappearing lately," the blacksmith confirms, his voice tinged with concern. "Folks around here are getting mighty worried, let me tell ya."

His words confirm what the innkeeper had warned you about. This is indeed, the work of a demon. Sensing your curiosity, the blacksmith continues, revealing that there's been suspicious activity near the back of the village, where a dense forest looms, largely unexplored by the villagers.

"Most folks steer clear of that place, and for good reason," the blacksmith warns, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Who knows what's lurking in them woods. I suggest you do the same"

Thanking the blacksmith for his insights, you and Muichiro head towards the outskirts of the village, your senses heightened as you approach the dense foliage of the forest. The air feels heavy with anticipation as you step into the shadowy depths, the forest enveloping you in its eerie embrace.

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoes through the trees, causing you and Muichiro to tense with alarm. Racing towards the source of the sound, you come upon a clearing where a teenage girl stands, her eyes wide with fear as a demon looms over her.

Without hesitation, you draw your sword, the blade gleaming in the moonlight as you charge towards the demon. With a swift slash, you sever its arm, causing it to recoil with a guttural growl of pain.

While you engage the demon in combat, serving as a distraction, Muichiro moves with deadly precision, his sword flashing as he delivers the final blow, vanquishing the creature once and for all. With the threat neutralized, you turn your attention to the trembling girl, offering her a reassuring smile as you guide her to safety.

"Are you hurt?" you ask, concern lacing your voice as you check her for any injuries.

The girl shakes her head, tears glistening in her eyes as she wraps her arms around you in a grateful embrace. "Thank you, thank you so much," she murmurs, her voice choked with emotion.

Turning to Muichiro, you both share a look of agreement. Together, you escort her back to her home, where her older brother waits with bated breath, his relief immeasurable as he embraces his sister.

"Thank you for bringing her back to me," he says, his voice choked with emotion as he looks at you and Muichiro with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done if..."

His words trail off, lost in the swell of emotion that fills the room. As he attempts to pull you into a grateful embrace, Muichiro steps forward, a look you don't recognize in his eyes as he gently pushes the man away.

"Your sister's fine now," Muichiro states, his voice firm and unwavering as he ushers you towards the door. "We should go."

A little dazed at the interaction, you stand there not knowing what to do. Muichiro's voice brings you back to reality as you quickly wave the siblings goodbye before following the Mist Hashira.

With two days left until your mission is complete, you can't help but want to enjoy the time you have left.

As you step into the room, a hopeful glint sparkles in your eyes as you turn to Muichiro, attempting to persuade him to extend your stay for a little while longer.

"Master mentioned that this mission might take a while, but we finished ahead of schedule. We still have two days left," you propose, a playful grin forming on your lips. "Why not take some time to unwind and enjoy ourselves?"

But Muichiro remains resolute, his expression unwavering as he gazes at you with determination. "We have work to attend to," he insists, his tone firm. "The sooner we return, the better."

(I should've figured)


"You are impossible!" You groan, flopping onto Muichiro's bed with all the drama of a small child. Although you and Muichiro are similar in age, he always acted as the more mature one in your relationship dynamic. "We're always working. What's wrong with taking a break?"

"Get off my bed," Muichiro replies in his signature monotone.

"Am not!"

Suddenly, you feel a pair of arms seize you, tossing you off the bed and onto the floor. Fortunately, the bed isn't too high, and your descent is cushioned by the soft carpet. You land with a theatrical thud, sprawling out on the ground.

"You hate me," you cry sarcastically, melting dramatically onto the comfy flooring.

Muichiro offers no response, climbing onto the bed without sparing you a second glance.

"Fine, I'll just spend the rest of the night here. On the cold, hard floor," you mutter, attempting to guilt-trip him, although you know it's futile.

Suddenly, you hear some shuffling, and a pillow collides with your face.

"Oh so you do love me!"

"Please shut up."

"Good night, Muichiro."


As you left the house of the siblings you just saved, the boy turned and whispered something to his sister.

"I think I just met the love of my life."

You didn't hear his comment.

Muichiro did

Muichiro decided he did not like that comment. 

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