Chapter 4

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Upon reaching the master's chamber, you and Muichiro are greeted by a serene atmosphere. Seeing your arrival, Master Ubuyashiki gestures for the both of you to sit down, his presence alluding a sense of tranquility that instantly put you at ease.

"Master Ubuyashiki, we have arrived as requested," you announce respectfully, bowing before him as Muichiro mimics with a stoic expression.

"Ah, Tokito, L/N, please come in," the master beckons, his voice gentle yet authoritative. "I have a mission for the two of you."

You sneak a glance with Muichiro, wondering how he would respond. To your dismay he yields no reaction as per usual.


"We have received reports of a demon plaguing a district far from here," Master Ubuyashiki begins, his voice tinged with concern. "The people are distressed, and, of course, it is our duty to alleviate their suffering."

Muichiro listens intently, his gaze fixed on the master as he absorbs the information. You nod along, keeping mental notes of the important things.

"I am assigning the two of you to investigate and eliminate the demon responsible," the master continues, his gaze shifting between you and Muichiro. "You will depart at first light and have three days to complete the mission."

"Understood, Master," you reply, your voice steady with resolve. "We will not disappoint you."

Muichiro nods in agreement.

"Very well," Master Ubuyashiki acknowledges with a serene smile. "All food and housing have been arranged for the two of you, the crows will know where to take you. Leave as soon as the sun rises tomorrow. Please take care, my children, the people are counting on you."

With a final bow of respect, you and Muichiro take your leave from the master's estate.

As you step out into the corridor, you cautiously glance up at Muichiro. 

"We leave as soon as sunrise tomorrow." That's all he says.

As the first light of dawn begins to break across the horizon, you and Muichiro arrive at the village, the soft glow of the rising sun casting a warm hue over the quaint surroundings. 

The village, was lovely. It nestled between lush greenery and traditional Japanese architecture, a sight straight out of a painting.

Despite the beautiful scenery, you can't help but notice the tension lingering in the air, evident in the furrowed brows and wary glances exchanged among the villagers. Another strange fact you notice was the lack of  women and children on the streets. For some reason only men were out on the cobblestone pathways, whispering to each other in hushed tones.

Following the lead of the crow sent by Master Ubuyashiki, you and Muichiro make your way through the village, both on high alert. Despite the sun's descent, it wasn't going to be dark anytime soon. Thus, it would be wise to find a place to stay first.

 The crow leads you to a modest hotel nestled at the heart of the village, if you had been there on better occasions you would've been delighted.

Upon entering the hotel, you and Muichiro are met by the innkeeper, a middle-aged man whose weary expression mirrors the unease in the village.

"Oh my goodness, a lady should not be wandering the streets at this time," 

(Huh...hello to you too?)

The innkeeper quickly signals for the doorman to close the inn doors as if to shield you from potential danger. 

"That was very foolish of you! Do you have any idea the danger you were in?"

"Why so?" you inquire, intrigued by the innkeeper's protective demeanor. His concern is evident in the way he speaks as well as the faint rattle you hear from his fingers nervously shaking against his desk.

"You two must be travelers. There's been a troubling increase in disappearances within the village, especially among young women and girls. Just last week, my good friend's daughter was taken. No one knows where she is," the innkeeper shares, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"No trace at all?" you ask, feeling a chill run down your spine at the thought of the villagers' plight.

"None whatsoever," the innkeeper confirms, his voice trembling slightly as he hands you and Muichiro two keys, leading you to two adjacent rooms. "I would tell you more but no one has gotten the guts to investigate."

"Still, everyone is walking on eggshells." He continues.

"Please, stay vigilant. The two rooms connect with an additional door; keep it unlocked. And keep your lady safe," the innkeeper states, though his gaze seems to linger on Muichiro.

"I will," Muichiro replies calmly as he turns the key to his room, motioning for you to follow.

Inside the room, you take a moment to glance out the window, the soft light casting a gentle glow over the village. The unease among the villagers weighs heavily on your mind, it seems this demon was selective when it came to prey. 

(Perhaps that could work in my favour...)

Turning to Muichiro, you attempt to suggest exploring the village to gather information and assess the situation further. However, Muichiro remains adamant, arguing that rest is essential before hunting the demon.

"You heard the Innkeeper, no one else knows anything either. We need to conserve our energy," Muichiro insists, his voice firm and resolute. "We'll be more effective if we're well-rested and alert."

"Oh wow you actually listened?" You dramatically gasp. 

You understood Muichiro's logic yet there were two things that stopped you from agreeing. One, your own ego. Two, the urgency of the situation. The village clearly needed immediate action, and someone must have additional information.

"Fine, if you won't go, then I'll go," you finally decide. "Someone needs to do research. Besides, there should still be an hour or two of daylight left."

"No, you stay here," Muichiro counters firmly, settling on the bed and beginning to unpack his belongings.

"I am perfectly capable of handling myself," you argue, frustration creeping into your voice.

"I said no," Muichiro repeats, his tone final as he meets your gaze with unwavering resolve.

"Tokito I've been on missions by myself before I'll be fine." 


"But that's unreasonable!"

"That's unfortunate for you," Muichiro retorts "though I hope you know you are not winning this argument."

(This jerk!)

With a sigh of defeat, you open the connecting door between the two of your rooms and head over to unpack. Why wouldn't he just let you go. 

Fun Facts:

- Muichiro didn't actually register the Innkeeper's words. The only ones he actually heard were "keep your lady safe"

- Y/N loves the last few hours of daylight as it isn't as harsh on her skin and she can still enjoy the sun

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