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꒰ short a/n ꒱
the outfit above is similar to one i describe the reader wearing later in this chapter, but you can imagine yourself wearing whatever you'd like.


[name] retreated to her bedroom, her heart pounding with a mixture of anger and sadness. Swiftly, she locked the door behind her, creating a physical barrier between herself and her father. Leaning against the door, her heart pounded with residual anger, but as her breathing steadied, her gaze wandered to the magnificent mirror occupying a wall in her room.

Her eyes were now marred by black, inky streaks tracing a path from her eyes down to her chin. Mascara-tears bearing witness to the intensity of the argument she had just engaged in with her father. As her reflection stared back at her, she felt a pang of vulnerability. The crown adorning her head, a symbol of her station and power, now seemed to mock her, a cruel reminder of her father's harsh words. Overwhelmed by frustration, she yanked the crown from her head and hurled the it at the mirror, shattering the glass into a kaleidoscope of broken fragments. Yet, amidst the wreckage, the crown remained untouched, its regal presence undisturbed.

Sliding down to the cool wooden floor, she pressed her back against the sturdy door, her body weighed down by a heavy sadness that replaced her earlier anger. With her head buried between her trembling knees, she sought refuge in muted sobs, hoping to muffle her pain. After what felt like an eternity, her sorrowful sanctuary was disrupted by a gentle knock at the door. [name], her voice strained and barely audible, managed to croak out the words, "Go away." her emotional wounds still fresh and raw, leaving her vulnerable and unwilling to face the world. There was a brief pause before a second knock followed, accompanied by a familiar chirp that cut through the silence.

Surprised by the unexpected visitor, curiosity piqued within [name], urging her to open the door and confirm her suspicions. As she swung the door open, there stood the Shy Guy she had befriended earlier, holding a small notebook. With a flick of his hand, he revealed the crude handwriting scrawled across its pages: "U Ok?" The simplicity and sincerity of the gesture caused a bittersweet chuckle to escape her lips. She motioned for him to enter her bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Wiping away the remnants of her tears, [name] spoke with a mixture of vulnerability and determination to her unassuming companion, "I don't know what to do. I tried to reason with him, but it only fueled his anger." She paused, her gaze meeting the concerned eyes of the Shy Guy. "I can't accept his solution, but I also don't want to try and talk about it again. There has to be another way."

The Shy Guy listened intently, capturing the essence of her words in his notebook before revealing his suggestion. With a swift stroke of his pen, he presented her with a simple question, "Sneak Out?" [name] sat on the edge of her bed, contemplating his proposal, and then shook her head slowly. "As much as I would love to, I can't. My father has taken every precaution to seal shut every window in this castle. No amount of force can pry them open." The Shy Guy's shoulders slumped, his empathy evident even through the concealment of his mask. Searching the room for a glimmer of inspiration, his gaze finally settled upon the shattered mirror, prompting a sudden burst of excitement. He emitted a muffled squeal of exhilaration.

Puzzled, [name] arched an eyebrow, silently urging him to explain. He gestured animatedly, pointing from the glass shards on the ground to a nearby window. She chuckled softly, a flicker of amusement alighting in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't quite follow. Could you please clarify?" she requested, motioning towards his notebook. With a chirp of acknowledgment, he eagerly jotted down his master plan in the notebook, presenting it to her, "Break it."

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