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As promised, the Princess took [name] to meet Toadsworth, the esteemed medic of the Mushroom Kingdom. Toadsworth's office was conveniently located within the castle, not far from the throne room. With a gentle knock, the Princess announced their presence and urgently explained the situation. Soon after, the door swung open, revealing the distinctive figure of Toadsworth himself.

Standing before them was a mushroom person with a beige cap adorned with brown spots. He sported a distinguished purple vest and a matching jacket, while a pair of tiny circle-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. His thick white mustache moved with every word he spoke, adding to his venerable appearance. "Oh my! Please, do come in!" Toadsworth warmly greeted them, opening the door to invite them inside.

Stepping into Toadsworth's office, they found themselves embraced by a cozy, dimly lit atmosphere. The walls were adorned with bookshelves, brimming with an extensive collection of books that numbered in the hundreds. In the heart of the room stood a small wooden desk, graced by an ornate lamp and several stacks of papers. Adjacent to the desk, a luxurious red chaise lounge sofa beckoned them to sit. Toadsworth pointed towards the couch with his wooden cane, its mushroom cap matching his own but smaller, featuring beige spots on a brown base. "Please, have a seat while I shall fetch my supplies."

Following Toadsworth's instructions, [name] settled herself onto the plush red couch, with Captain loyally standing nearby, as if assuming the role of her protector. Meanwhile, Toad couldn't contain his excitement, his eyes wide with curiosity. "I have so many questions!" he exclaimed, inching closer to [name]. "What's your name? Where do you come from? Are you from Brooklyn too?" Getting increasingly closer, he suddenly stopped, gasping as he found himself mere inches away from her face. "Do you know my best friend, Mario? Or his brother?"

The Princess's voice rose slightly in volume, a touch of authority mixed with her inherent kindness. "Toad!" she called out, "She might not be able to answer your questions right now. She seems a bit disoriented." Toad let out an awkward chuckle, realizing that the Princess was right. He distanced himself, giving [name] some personal space and spoke apologetically, "Haha...sorry! I get carried away easily."

[name] nodded, acknowledging Toad's apology, and mustered the strength to speak despite her injuries. "It's alright. I understand." Her voice was strained, but her effort did not go unnoticed by Toad or Captain. The latter retrieved his trusty notebook from [name]'s satchel, flipping through its pages until he found the entry where he had written his name for [name] during their hot air balloon ride. Showing the page to Toad, Captain introduced himself once again, "I'm Captain!"

Toad's face lit up with excitement, eager to bombard his new friend with questions. "Wow! You have a cool name, and a cool mustache!" he exclaimed, looking at the mustache [name] had drawn on his mask. The mustache reminded him of someone, prompting his next question "Are you also a human?" he inquired, his eyes curious as Captain's red cloak and mask concealed his true form. Captain shook his head, gesturing emphatically at the page once again to clarify his identity. "I'm Captain!" he exclaimed.

"Ohhh, so you're a captain named Captain?" Toad asked, seeking confirmation. Captain nodded enthusiastically and let out a chirp of excitement, causing Toad's smile to grow even more. "We have that in common then! I'm a toad named Toad!" he proudly proclaimed. "I have a feeling we're going to be best friends!"

Toadsworth returned, carrying a black leather bag, and placed it on the couch next to [name]. "Based on your physical symptoms, my guess is that you have a concussion," he diagnosed, concern evident in his voice. He reached into the bag and pulled out a red mushroom, offering it to [name]. "There's not much I can do about your disorientation, but this should help with those pesky headaches." [name] held the mushroom in her hands, observing it curiously. Toadsworth noticed her hesitation and let out a chuckle. "What's the matter? You've never used a power-up before?" he teased. [name] nodded in response, catching Toadsworth off-guard. "O-Oh! Well...I shouldn't be too surprised. After all, you are a human," he remarked, sparking [name]'s curiosity. She made a mental note to ask him about that later.

Toad couldn't help but snicker at [name]'s hesitation. "Princess, I think we've got another mushroom hater on our hands!" he exclaimed, glancing at the Princess, who joined in the laughter. Feeling slightly embarrassed, [name] shook her head and quickly ate the mushroom. Instantly, the throbbing in her head subsided, just as Toadsworth had promised. In fact, she couldn't feel a single ounce of pain in her body anymore. Fascinated by the mushroom's magical properties, she whispered in awe, "Woah."

All eyes were fixated on [name] as her voice returned to its normal tone. She glanced at Toadsworth with a grateful smile, her expression brimming with relief. "Thank you so much. I feel much better already." Her genuine appreciation warmed the elderly toad's heart, prompting him to gently retrieve the bag from the couch and return it to its rightful place. "It's no trouble at all, dear. Just make sure to drink plenty of water and get lots of rest tonight."

Approaching [name] with a measured pace, Peach extended her gloved hand as a gesture of assistance. "My name is Princess Peach, and I am the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom." [name] carefully accepted her hand, their palms meeting in a firm shake. [name] was so in awe from being in the presence of another human that momentarily forgot her own status as royalty, although she had no intention of sharing that information. "Thank you for your hospitality, Princess."

Amused by [name]'s nervous response, Peach giggled softly. "No need for formalities, just Peach is fine."

Exiting Toadsworth's study, they strolled through the grand corridors of Peach's palace, side by side. Their attention was captured by the lively interactions between Captain and Toad, which brought a smile to Peach's face. "I'm glad those two are getting along so well. Toad can be quite handful, so it's hard for him to connect with others sometimes." [name] nodded in agreement. "I've never seen Captain write so much. Usually, he only jots down short phrases when necessary."

As they continued walking, Peach decided to break the silence once more, displaying her curiosity about [name]'s situation. "I don't want to overwhelm you with questions, but I am curious about your circumstances. Would you mind sharing a bit about yourself?" Her words were carefully chosen, ensuring she didn't overwhelm on the (e/c)-eyed woman. [name] nodded, keeping her introduction concise. "My name is [name], and you already know Captain. We've been traveling together for some time now." Peach seemed satisfied with her response, choosing not to press further with additional inquiries. "Well, [name], you and Captain are more than welcome to stay in the castle until it's safe for you to continue your journey."

[name]'s eyes widened at the generous offer, taken aback. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a burden," [name] said, their voice laced with both gratitude and a hint of uncertainty. Peach chuckled warmly, her expression reassuring. "I'm positive. I can take you to one of our guest rooms right now if you'd like!" she exclaimed, her tone brimming with excitement. "I'll be honest with you, [name]. Meeting someone like you is a rare occurrence for me, so I apologize if I start getting ahead of myself," she admitted, her cheeks slightly flushed with a sheepish smile. "I'm just excited to have another human around the castle."

[name] came to a halt, her gaze locked with Peach's striking blue eyes. The realization sunk in, and her voice quivered with astonishment, "Are you serious? You're the first human I've met, like ever!" [name] emphasized, catching Peach off guard. "Oh my stars, are you serious?" she echoed, her surprise mirroring [name]'s. In that moment, they both stood there utterly dumbfounded. Peach's fascination with [name] only grew, as this revelation meant that she was not from the human world. Eager to delve into the mysteries of [name]'s origin, she giggled. "It seems like we have a lot to discuss during your stay!"


Hiraeth (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now