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The trio continued to interview [name] for another thirty minutes, delving deeper into her background and intentions. Princess Peach maintained a thoughtful expression, carefully considering each of her responses. Once she felt satisfied with the conversation, she expressed her gratitude to [name] for her time and allowed her to leave, with the condition that she remain within the castle grounds. As [name]'s footsteps faded into the distance, Mario wasted no time voicing his doubts. He crossed his arms firmly over his chest, fixing his gaze on Peach. "I don't trust her, not one bit," he stated emphatically. "I understand your excitement about having a human girl friend, but we can't afford to be too trusting. We've seen enough trouble in the past."

Peach's expression turned serious as she glared at Mario, her brows furrowing together. While not angry, it was clear she disagreed with his approach. "That doesn't mean you needed to interrogate her," she retorted, her voice firm but calm. "I saw you trying to act tough. We need to be cautious, but we can't let our suspicions cloud our judgment either. They genuinely appear to be just a couple of lost travelers."

Her bright sapphire eyes then shifted to Luigi, who had remained noticeably quiet throughout the conversation. Seeking his opinion, she asked, "What do you think about all of this, Luigi? You've been rather reserved during the discussion."

Luigi, still somewhat flustered, snapped out of his daze and realized he had to navigate a delicate situation. He chose his words carefully, wanting to avoid direct confrontation between Mario and Peach. "Well... I'm not entirely sure," he began, his voice reflecting his uncertainty. "While [name] doesn't seem to have any obvious ulterior motives, I can't shake the feeling that she's hiding something from us. It's just a gut instinct, but we should proceed cautiously regardless."

Mario sighed, reminded of their last encounter with Bowser in Brooklyn, softened his expression as his stubbornness giving way to compromise. "Alright, Princess. We'll focus on keeping an eye on [name] for now. But remember, our kingdom's safety comes first." Peach smiled, appreciating Mario's willingness to find common ground. "Thank you, Mario. I know we all have the best interests of the Mushroom Kingdom at heart. Let's work together and ensure we make the right decisions." With their differing perspectives acknowledged, the trio prepared to face the unknown with a blend of caution and open-mindedness, ready to uncover the truth about [name]'s intentions.


When [name] returned to her room, her footsteps faltered as she opened the door. Surprise washed over her as she laid eyes on Captain, who was sprawled out across her bed. He looked so at ease, like a loyal puppy eagerly awaiting his owner's return from a long day at work. A smile tugged at her lips, and she settled beside him on the expanse of the large bed. "Hey!" [name] greeted, her voice filled with warmth. "Princess Peach mentioned that Toad took you on a tour of the kingdom. How was it?"

Captain instantly perked up at her arrival, reaching for his trusty notebook. Eagerly scribbling away, he presented its pages to her, displaying the words, "Super Fun!"

Her laughter bubbled up, the sound of her amusement filling the room. "Really? Well, you'll have to show me around someday... if I'm ever allowed to leave this castle," she added with a hint of wistfulness.

Captain's head tilted in confusion, prompting him to jot something down before passing the notebook back to her. The words on its pages questioned, "What Happened?"

Hiraeth (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now