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It broke my heart to hear Ashton say that his family didn't care about him and he wished it was more like mine.

He didn't deserve that. Ashton is truly the nicest guy I have ever met, and I know a lot of people. He deserves nothing but the best in all categories.

"I'm tired." Ashton moaned. He was laying on his back, with his eyes closed and his bandaged arms folded neatly on his stomach.

"Do you want to go to sleep?" I asked. He opened his eyes and shrugged. "Yeah. That's probably a good idea."

We changed into pyjamas and got comfortable in my bed. As soon as I heard his soft snores escape his little mouth, I relaxed and felt comfortable.

I've made it my duty to look out for him. I've let him slip through the cracks once before and I vowed never to let it happen again. And for that, I will wake up precisely one hour before him and go to sleep after he does, no matter how tired I am.

Ashton is the only thing I have left now and I can't lose him. If I do, I don't know what I'd do.

The next morning, I woke at 6. I just lay there on my phone, my secret Instagram account, until Ashton woke up.

When he did, he stretched and yawned. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my whole life.

"Morning Luke. How long have you been up?" He asked. I shrugged. "Not long. You hungry?"

He nodded and licked his lips. "Can you make pancakes?" I laughed. "I can make anything. Cooking is my guilty pleasure." I admitted.

It was true. I loved to cook. Besides kissing and fucking boys, cooking was probably the gayest thing I did.

"Are you serious? So you'll make beef stroganoff for supper?" He asked, amazed. I shrugged. "I can try. I've never made any kind of stroganoff before."

He beamed. "It's not hard."

Downstairs, my parents were awake, drinking coffee and making conversation with each other. When Ashton and I came down, my mum immediately jumped up and poured us both coffee and made herself busy by making us breakfast.

"Mum, can we have pancakes? It's a request from Ashton." I explained. She smiled widely and nodded. "Sure thing."

Ashton was thoroughly enjoying his breakfast, which made me smile. It was adorable the way he ate, little bites and chewing them like he didn't take anything for granted.

All day we just watched TV and slept. Mum gave us the rest of the week to just chill and rest. I think she felt bad and didn't want to pressure Ashton into doing anything he wasn't ready to do.

Thursday and Friday flew by, and before I knew it, it was Sunday evening. Ashton was tense as hell, probably about going to school the next day. It was going to be hard for him particularly, people would think he was too much of a coward to face people. They didn't know he was in the hospital for two weeks.

We thought it was best to keep that part a secret, that way people wouldn't bully him for being gay and a psychotic person. Which he's not but they would make it out to seem like he is.

That night I slept little. Ashton was having issues to, and it was clear to me. I held him close and promised myself I'd protect him.

When he woke up, he was really pale and couldn't stop shaking. I just hugged him and kissed him, hoping to make him feel better but feeling like I failed.

"Are you nervous too?" He asked me. "A little. But I'm seriously not going to take shit from people, and you shouldn't either." I said. He looked up at me. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Tell me if anyone bothers you. I'll take care of them."

He set a hand on my arm. "Don't hurt anyone. Violence isn't always the answer." He said sternly.

"I'll beat the shit out of anyone who stirs up crap for you."


"Ashton, I'm serious. I love you and I-" I love him? When did that become a thing?

Ashton smiled widely and pecked my lips with his own. "You love me?"

Slowly, I nodded. I've never really told anyone I love them before. Ever. "I love you too." He replied. I felt my cheeks heat up and and buried my head in his shoulder, embarrassed.

"There's nothing wrong with loving me, Luke. It's not something you should be embarrassed about."

"I know. I just... I've never loved anyone before." I admitted. He smiled and shrugged. "There's always a first for everything."

Super short, and a late update I KNOW IM SORRY!!

I'm losing interest in this and I need ideas ASAP ugh

I went to the July 15th Warped Tour date at Darien Lake, NY and it was fucking AWESOME! Although I did see my dreaded ex boyfriend there. He fucking crowd surfed during Pierce the Veil like aRE YoU KIDdING mE? I hate him 👿

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