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After school, Luke had something to do. He gave me his car keys and told me to drive myself home, that he would catch a ride or walk home later. It honestly made me nervous. What could he possibly have to do after school when everyone hates us now? No one is talking to him. Except for the people he's approached first. The people like me, who he has tormented in the past and is now trying to set things right with them.

When I arrived at Luke's house without Luke, I sat in the car for a long time. I didn't want to go inside without Luke. It would be the perfect time to interrogate me.

So I sat and listened to music. I must've been there for hours until I heard a tap on the window. I looked up and Liz was standing there, looking very concerned. "Ashton? What are you doing? Where is Luke?" She asked. I opened the door and got out. "Sorry Liz. Luke said he had something to do so he stayed at school for a bit I guess. I don't really know where he is." I replied. She nodded and stared up at me. I never really realised how short Mrs. Hemmings really is.

"I understand. Come inside, supper will be ready soon." She said, grabbing my right arm and marching me into the house. I made my way up to Luke's room slowly, stalling. I really didn't want to have dinner with Luke's parents alone without my safety blanket.

Liz fixed that problem for me. She brought up a plate of lasagne and told me I could eat up here if it made me more comfortable, which it did. I waited and waited for Luke. Finally, around 9, when he still had not come home, I decided to go look for him.

I grabbed his keys and cracked open his bedroom door, peeked outside. His parents' bedroom door was closed, so I assumed that they were both either in bed sleeping or well on their way. Slowly I tip toed past it and crept down the stairs. The front door made noise when you opened it so I knew to use the back door in the kitchen. Let's just say this isn't the first time I've snuck out of this house, but every other time I've had Luke with me.

Thankfully, Luke's car was not loud. I kept the headlights off until I reached the end of the street. Then I drove as quickly as I could.

Luke wasn't at the school. I checked all around the campus, and he was nowhere to be found. I drove around town, scanning all the places I thought he might be. Maybe he was at the primary school playground. No such luck. Finally, I pulled into an alley to turn around. The headlights illuminated the alley and made everything visible. My eyes fell on something suspicious. A person. They were laying face down, unmoving. My heart skipped a beat as I threw open the door and rushed toward the person.

As I approached, I recognised them. How could I not? He was, after all, my boyfriend. Luke.

I slid to my knees, reached out and rolled him over so he was on his back. I gasped and put a hand over my mouth. "Luke!" I shouted. His face was bruised, cut up, and bleeding. His arm looked twisted and broken. I reached out and shook his shoulder. "Luke! Luke wake up!" I cried. He moaned softly. "Oh thank god, you're alive! Come on wake up." I urged, shaking him some more. His left eye was swollen shut but his right one fluttered open. "Ashton." He rasped. I helped him stand up. "What the hell happened to you?" I demanded. "They jumped me." He murmured.

"Who? Who jumped you?"

"Calum. The football team." He replied weakly. My jaw dropped. I knew they were pissed off and a little disgusted with Luke right now but never did the thought occur that they might actually try to hurt him physically. "Luke we need to take you to the doctor." I replied. He shook his head quickly. "No! They'll call the police and that's the last thing I need right now." He protested. "Your arm. It looks broken. You're probably going to need some stitches." I pointed out.

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