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"wow, imagine being dumb and being in class five at the same time." suna sounds from across the gym.

does he not have anything better to do than annoy you constantly?

you roll your eyes, "if you don't shut the f—"

"ignore him. let me help you, y/n." kita interrupts, sliding over to your side.

you have sat on the stage again, legs dangling at the edge of it and doing your schoolwork instead of your manager duties. kita leans against the edge, a hand carrying a volleyball while the other proceeds to pluck your pencil away from your grip. he stares down at your work, scribbling where he needed as you sought to understand the work.

"find the 'h' and carry the two," he explains, finishing the equation simply.

you took a few seconds to register what kita said and compared it to the work he did. slowly understanding, a big grin comes across your face.

"oh! i get it! thank you, kita!" you spoke. "you're in class seven, right?"

"yes, i am." he replies, "work hard and get there next year, yeah?"

the words of encouragement cause you to flush easily.

daddy issues.

"yes." you respond automatically, eyes still on your work. 

you don't want him to see the look on your face.

he went back to practising as you pulled through your questions in pain. it became more agonizing and you nearly regretted asking your teacher for these extension questions. believe it or not, the pain just got worse. because sooner or later, suna was back to annoy you.

"sunaaaaa~" you complain as he poked your cheek repeatedly.

"stop working already," he says.

"no. leave me alone, poohead."

"poohead." he snickers, "that's the best you can come up with?"

frantically, you looked up at him but that only made him laugh at you more to your sole annoyance.

"stop it, you whore."


"you both get here right now! atsumu's coming soon! and he said he wants us all assembled in the gym or else." ojiro calls at the two of you.


you and suna exchanged shrugs and then went to the middle of the gym where the others had assembled like you were instructed by atsumu. he probably had something to flex to you guys on.

despite that, the thought of your best friend coming back so unannounced creates a giddy feeling.

you plopped to the ground, an irritating suna impersonating you. although, your eyes cemented to the gym entrance, waiting eagerly for atsumu.

after all, you have been waiting so long for his return.

"where is this boy?" you hear kita whisper.

"i smell him." osamu interferes.

"smell?" suna questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"what? you can't smell shit?" osamu chuckles.

you tapped the boy with your foot, "don't be rude—"

"YO!" a voice emerges, interrupting the conversation.

everyone's eyes averted to the door quickly to see atsumu entering, a grin on his facial expression.

except he wasn't alone.

your eyes widen seeing who he had brought along and you let out a big gasp.

"SAKUSA!" you scream. 

and just like that, you jump off your feet and ran towards him.

his eyes widen as you bolt through the gym, opening your arms. the others stare at you like they were confused about where their good-for-nothing manager had retrieved this sudden athleticism.

you proceeded running to the boy, content at his arrival.

this was your first friend and you were finally meeting him.

"wait." sakusa says.

your feet dragged on the ground, stopping inches from him. however, you wrapped your arms around him to annoy him.

his short-temper showed quickly.

"y/n," he groans.

the excitement probably got to you too much because you were all smiles, "you're real!"

"yeah, of course." 

"hug me back." you said, pressing your chin against his ribs to look up at him. you had a big grin on your face as he looked down at you, clearly appalled and having no other choice but to partake because your arms had wrapped around his with your loving hug.


"please." you continued, squeezing him.

without much of an option, sakusa rolled his eyes achingly and didn't hug you, instead, he patted your head with some sort of affection.

"yeah, just ignore the rest of us." ojiro called in the distance.

you removed your hands of him. he fixed up wrinkles on his sleeves immediately.

"geez, you are obsessed with keeping neat." you said.


"y/n!" atsumu called.

you turned around, remembering the feeling that you completely missed him. atsumu simply opened his arms, consequently, you ran to him and engulfed him.

"i missed you, stupid." you sigh.

"omiomi-kun, i'm going to live with you now. i'm not needed here." atsumu said.

"nooo!" you argued, hugging him tighter.

"who said i'd let you anyways?" you could hear sakusa say through his mask.

atsumu growled as everyone else laughed at the clean remark. "whatever. let's just play."

"whatever you say."

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐌 ; k sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now