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you entered your classroom confidently, sure of your straight posture and head held high like ojiro had directed over text. he said if you wanted to make an impression this was how and being under the impression that the male is master of making friends, you took his instructions.

his tips did not work. 

there were barely students to begin with and the professor wasn't here. and as if they would notice you anyways, the students that were seated in their desks were busy with their own things.

you roll your eyes in distress, realising ojiro's advice did sound pretty dumb. i can never think for myself, can i? you think as you lazily take a seat at the back of the huge classroom.

but he did give one helpful tip your remembered. make as many friends as possible so you can cheat off them last minute. there's a boy next to you, whom looked like he wanted to set a bomb in the school. you found his aura quite intimidating, nevertheless, you spoke to him.

"hi, i'm y/n." you smile, "you are."

he turned to you. then, looked away.

"why are all these boys like suna?" you mumble under your breath.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

class had ended and you were very annoyed with how your day had turned out.

you opened the door to the shared apartment with the boys, a grieved loneliness held upon you. was this how the university life you have been waiting for going to turn out?

were you just going to be lonely?


your eyes lit up however when you saw osamu on the couch, aggressively typing on his laptop while squinting with his glasses on.

"yo, don't you have class?" you ask him, walking behind the couch.

"i don't start until tomorrow," he answers.

you nodded briskly as the conversation was stopped so easily.

"do you wanna meet hana?"

a smile was on your lips at those words. you wanted to meet this girl for the longest time now and you were waiting for the chance to snatch that opportunity.

"you mean you'll actually introduce me to her?!"

osamu wasn't the type to and you knew that as a definite. but what if?

"pssh. you actually thought?" he scoffs, rolling his eyes back to the laptop.

you felt like you were just being rejected over and over today so you fisted him in the head before you went to your room, ready for the nap that was awaiting you.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

baby boy bottom submissive atsumu

y/n did i tell you how
amazingly spectacular
you looked today?

the dress you were simply
matched 🤭s o extravagantly
🤯 with those e/c hues👁‍🗨

ok what do you want?

can't i just compliment my
best friend once in a while?
💔 you seriously were so
pretty today.

pack it up big boy you don't
compliment me like that😤
you're built different

yes i do!

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐌 ; k sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now