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[pic. of atsumu
playing in the sand at
the beach]


oohhhh u guys are at
the beach?


are you playing volleyball?

not on the sand. that's

so u're fully clothed?


damn it.

damn it?



you really thought—

yuh i did

i wanted to see the
bread rolls in real 😔

you have no shame.

you disgusting germ


i kinda liked it when u
say my name 🥰

"you're so bold y/n"

this is your name

🦠 d i s g u s t i n g
g er m 🦠

ugh don't call me that

can't you find another
nickname 😪


it suits you.

i hope you get sand in
your eyes omiomi 🤭🤭

shut up and face time me.

you talk too much.


sakOOchiesa wants to face time...

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

you rolled your eyes before accepting the face time call, having nothing else to do. you already finished your homework so you might as well have some free time now. too much textbook reading about neuro-science and your head might as well explode.

"yo." you greet as he came into view.

"you look like you just rose from a grave." sakusa comments, furrowing his eyebrows. he had his mask on, his words consequently becoming muffled.

you shot him an obviously annoyed look. he couldn't go one day without dissing you, "fine then, i'll turn off my camera—"

"don't." he interrupts, drawing down his mask. his eyes averts as if looking at someone, then, the camera was flipped.

there, atsumu is sitting on the sand, shirtless.

"lookie, y/n! look at the sand!" he tells you, playing with the sand.

"aw, it looks so fun." you sigh, kicking your legs off your bed. you, then, proceed to walk out of your room, and going downstairs.

atsumu and sakusa look like they were having fun. you were kinda jealous that you weren't in on it but they were pretty close friends so you didn't say anything about it, knowing additionally that atsumu was showing the germaphobe around hyogo.

your mum was cooking when you reached the kitchen.

"yo mum." you said, walking by her, "look, i'm talking to my friend."

you show her your phone to which your mother widened her eyes, taken aback.

"who is this?"

"my best friend, sakusa." you introduce her to him with a smile.

"oh, it's that boy you always keep talking about at home."

you turned your phone to face you again and walked past her to the pantry.

"i don't talk about him all the time." you reason.

"you talk about him more than you talk about wanting to be a doctor. and that's a lot, okay?" she presses on.

you try to act all nonchalant but on the inside, you were pleading to the higher powers that sakusa didn't hear that whole speel. maybe you talked about sakusa a bit at your home but it wasn't to the extent your mother was saying, that woman is overdramatic.

"i'm finding a new mum." you mutter to yourself as you grabbed a packet of your favourite snack.

she attempts to hit you playfully but luckily you dodge with a chortle. her smacks weren't as tolerable as they seem.

you went upstairs, mumbling incoherently and embarrassed by what she said. now sakusa probably thought you were a weirdo.

ugh, that mother of yours. doesn't know what to say at the right time.

"sorry about that. she says unnecessary things sometimes." you stated as you laid down on your stomach, on your bed, 

"d-don't eat on your bed, idiot. ants are gonna crawl on it while your asleep." he told you, changing the subject.

you rolled your eyes, "whatever. why's tsumu so quiet?"

"he's gone swimming."

"oh, i see. so he just left you?"


you grabbed another chip from the packet as you gazed at sakusa. he was looking up however, into what seemed like the sea from the way the wind was blowing on his face, "y/n."


"do you talk about me?"

you choke on your food.

coughs erupt and you hastily grab your water bottle, you drank at least half of it to satisfy the need. you calmed down within seconds and returned to your call to sakusa, tears remaining as the aftermath.

"done?" he asks carelessly.

you nod, "um, well, i talk about you because...well...um—"

"get to the point." he interrupts.

you laugh, "sorry. because you're my...well—"

"stop saying 'well'."

sakusa looked so serious at the moment which made you understand that he wasn't messing around. he was really anticipating your answer.

"um, you're sort of my first best friend...so, of course i'd talk about you at home." you answer.


you guys lock eyes for a second before looking away at the same time, finding interest in different things.

did he just stutter?

"atsumu's calling me. i'm gonna go." he excuses, unable to look at you.

you were aware of the lie but didn't say anything about it, recognising that he was trying to get away from the awkwardness.

"yeah, talk to you later." you nod.

he ends the call and you let out a deep sigh, the heat on your cheeks prevailed a spot on them.

oh fuck i'm crushing on kiyoomi sakusa.

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐌 ; k sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now