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face time or i'll kill

imma bad bitch you
can't kill me 😡

and now this is a
side i haven't seen

sakOOchiesa wants to face time...

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

your body reacts before your mind could, clicking accept. it was starting to become more of a natural reaction for you and the excitement that follows was the norm.

and there sakusa was again as you placed your phone against the high stack of your textbook while your laptop was opened up next to it.

you didn't pay much attention to him, moving to your laptop to type the next words of your essay. if you hadn't, those words would've been long forgotten and never would've flown back to the extreme stature of your word bank.

"didn't know you wore glasses," he states, "should've known, nerd."

"okay, who asked?"

you turn to your phone. instantly, chills work their way down your spine as you look over at sakusa. 

bro was leaning back completely on his chair. like that's totally normal right? he was also wearing a tight black shirt that hugged his biceps and lower, you could make out the waistband of grey sweatpants.

although his face was looking so cute at the moment—tired.

so it's a contrast of both, startling you.

"sir..." you mutter, transferring your attention completely away from your essay. 

fuck the word bank. 

you cup your cheeks, place your elbows on the table, staring at him with a smile.

"what?" he asks.

"can you literally just be hot or cute? like pick one." 

the words tumble from your words unexpectedly. sakusa's eyebrows raised as if questioning you but he did seem the least bit surprised, "what do you mean?"

"your studying with a tight shirt on and i can see your muscles but your face looks so cute, i wanna squish your cheeks," you answer honestly.

he's staring, furrowing your eyebrows.

"do you think before you talk?" sakusa asked, his voice low.

"no—you should know this by know."

"disgusting." he mutters, shaking his head.

it got you annoyed quickly so you lean back on your chair, mimicking his posture by crossing your own arms.

"everything's disgusting to you. and i was only complimenting you, okay?"

"it's not a good compliment." sakusa says.

"yeah it is." you argue, "at least i didn't say some shit like 'you're so fucking hot, sakusa. re-arrange my guts right now'."

he gasps.

pretty sure it was the first time you heard him.

now you had to put on the whole bold gimmick. 

there was no way out of it. 

"i mean that is what i want—"

"time to go to sleep, y/n." sakusa sighs, reaching out to take his phone.

"no! i—"

"good night."

he ends the call.

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐌 ; k sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now