[47] SHUT UP

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"atsumu, i'm going now—what are you doing here?" you ask at the masked male standing in the living room.

he looks at you. just as displeased.

"atsumu's not only your friend, you know?"

"people like you have friends?" you answer, amusement in your voice.

he didn't say anything after. what could he say?

since last night, the anger built up in him only bottled up more. but it wasn't only inflicted on you, it was on himself to. he wanted to make you understand what he was feeling. but as a person who struggled socially, he couldn't do that, he didn't know how. he even spoke the things he didn't need to and blaming you was never his intention, he didn't know how to tell you that you hurt him.

he was quite similar to ushijima in this department, except sakusa was charged with more rage rather than ushijima, who is stoic and quiet. he was feeling down that he wasn't mature enough to settle down the fight but the hurt in him couldn't help itself, it rumbled on like a storm and the words were everywhere, splattered on you like blood.

as for you, you were going there to apologise for ghosting him. and only for ghosting him. you didn't want to ghost him, you didn't mean to ghost him. things just happened the way they did and you were at fault for shoving a person out of your life without an explanation and thinking blatantly that he would understand.

however, you were ready to take him back when university started. it would be best if you had realised other people had feelings though and that sakusa's were important considering that he had taken a liking to you. you weren't selfish, that's what you believed. but leaving someone else whom had feelings with no explanation is very hurtful, you should have realised that. and blaming him for degrading you when you didn't mind it and understood that he was only joking around was wrong of you.

at the moment, both of you understood you were blameworthy but both of you were still holding each other against your anger just for the reason that you were exasperated. things got heated, everything was indirect, nothing you talked about was in a calm, suitable manner. so things had only gotten worse.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

the anger hasn't worn off as you were working on your assignment with shirabu, who was blabbering on about how annoying you were. you usually didn't get mad with this as you knew that was just him. but today was different.

"shirabu. shut. up."

the boy blinks at you a few times. you peer straight in his eyes, meaning every word you say. 

there was nothing in you that wanted to be riled up tonight. after seeing that sakusa in your apartment this morning, your mood had worsened throughout the day.

and to think you used to have a crush on this boy...you are so ashamed of yourself. maybe you should call an apartment meeting and place a "no sakusa within 5 miles of the house" protocol.

shirabu leaves the library.


did i chase him out?

he came in moments later though, a soda bottle in his hand. he hands it to you.

"cool your head," he enunciated. 

you question him with a glance. shirabu reciprocates with a nod. and so you accepted the kind gesture.


hope the explanation helped a lil lol

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐌 ; k sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now