Chapter 6: "Heavenly humour"

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Sam woke up, and I felt it was appropriate to refrain from bombarding Castiel with more questions and concerns about supernatural matters. It seemed fitting to shift our focus and prioritize making Sam feel more comfortable. I noticed a change in Castiel's demeanor as well, as his attention shifted towards ensuring Sam's well-being.

"Good morning Sam. Don't worry, I'm here to provide emotional support and comfort as we navigate through this challenging journey together." Castiel broke the silence in the room and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder for comfort.

"Thanks, Cas. I appreciate it." Sam replied groggily, still feeling a bit disoriented from his deep slumber.

"You know, in times like these, it's important to remember that pain is just a temporary state of being. Soon, you shall rise above it like a phoenix from the ashes, or perhaps more like a determined squirrel seeking its acorns." Castiel continued to speak, his words capturing our attention as he delved into his unique perspective. I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his intriguing remarks. I couldn't help but admit that it was both amusing and unexpected.

"Um, thanks, Cas. I'll keep that in mind." Sam appeared visibly perplexed, uncertain about how to respond to Castiel's peculiar statement.

"And remember, the universe has a mysterious way of aligning the stars, even when your leg is out of alignment. It's a metaphor, or maybe a simile. Either way, you'll be back on your feet in no time!" As Castiel's attempts at providing comfort grew increasingly peculiar, both Sam and I found ourselves struggling to stifle our laughter. It was becoming more and more challenging to maintain a serious demeanor.

"Thanks, Cas, for trying to cheer me up," Sam replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "You always have a unique way with words."

I couldn't help but be impressed by Sam's ability to keep a straight face despite the absurdity of Castiel's attempts at comfort. It was clear that he was making an effort to be empathetic and not hurt Castiel's feelings. Sam's genuine appreciation for Castiel's intentions was both surprising and admirable.

"I do my best," Castiel replied, a hint of determination in his voice. "Just know that I'm here to offer you unwavering support and, perhaps, some divine assistance if I ever regain my celestial powers."

As he spoke those words, a feeling of curiosity and skepticism washed over me. The whole concept of Castiel being an angel was still new to me, and I hadn't fully embraced or understood it. A part of me longed for some proof, some tangible display of his celestial powers that would validate his claims. It was a wishful thought, but one that lingered in the back of my mind, hoping for a glimpse of the extraordinary.

"Thanks, Cas," Sam said, his smile genuine. "Your presence alone is enough. And for now, let's focus on the earthly assistance."

I had been silently observing the conversation, unsure of what to contribute. The exchange between Sam and Castiel had its moments of humor and uncertainty, and I didn't want to disrupt the flow. So, I remained a silent observer, absorbing their words and taking in the dynamics of their interaction.

"Well, well, Cas," Dean interjected as he walked into the room, having overheard the conversation. "I see you're offering your one-of-a-kind emotional support. Squirrels and stars, huh? Is this the newest self-help guide straight from the angelic realm?"
Dean's sarcasm and playful tone filled the room, adding a touch of levity to the situation. It was evident that he couldn't resist poking fun at Castiel's unconventional approach.

Castiel directed his gaze towards Dean, his expression unwavering. "Ah, Dean Winchester, the master of sarcasm and wit," he remarked. "I assure you, Dean, that my words carry profound significance. They are akin to enigmatic riddles, intended to unlock the secrets of healing and solace."
Castiel's response displayed a mixture of seriousness and conviction, indicating that he firmly believed in the depth and significance of his words, despite Dean's teasing.

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now