Chapter 17: "Baby in a Trench Coat"

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I sat at my desk, going through some patient files, when Nancy, the nurse on duty, approached me with a warm smile. Her steps were light, and her voice carried a sense of professionalism and concern.

"Good morning, Dr. Mortimer," Nancy greeted me, her tone filled with empathy. "I have some updates regarding your patients that I thought you should know about."

I looked up from the files, acknowledging her presence. "Good morning, Nurse. Thank you for keeping me informed. What can you tell me?"

Nancy began speaking, her hands gently gesturing to emphasize her points. She informed me about Mrs. Attree, the patient I had operated on the day before. Her voice held a touch of relief and satisfaction as she shared the positive news.

"Well, first off, Mrs. Attree is recovering well," Nancy explained, her eyes showing a glimmer of hope. "Her vitals are stable, and she's responding positively to the treatment plan. We have her on pain medication, and she's comfortable."

I nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction and reassurance. "That's good to hear, Nurse. I'm pleased that Mrs. Attree is doing well. Please continue to monitor her closely and let me know if there are any changes in her condition."

Nancy nodded in response, her expression determined and attentive. "Absolutely, Doctor. I'll ensure she receives the necessary care and attention."

As the conversation progressed, Nancy's gestures became more deliberate and focused. She informed me about Mr. Tutcher, the patient from the emergency room, her voice tinged with concern.

"Unfortunately, his surgery had to be postponed," Nancy revealed, her eyes showing a mix of disappointment and determination. "His blood work revealed an elevated white blood cell count, suggesting an infection. The medical team decided it would be best to treat the infection first before proceeding with the surgery."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, I leaned back in my chair, contemplating the best course of action. "I see. It's disappointing, but patient safety is our top priority. Please inform the team to start him on a broad-spectrum antibiotic and closely monitor his condition. We'll reevaluate his eligibility for surgery once the infection is under control."

Nancy's movements became purposeful as she reached for her notepad, making a note of my instructions. "Will do, Doctor. I'll make sure to coordinate with the rest of the medical team and keep you updated on Mr. Tutcher's progress."

Grateful for Nancy's dedication, I offered her a sincere smile. "Thank you, Nurse. Your thoroughness and attention to detail are greatly appreciated. Is there anything else I need to know about my other patients?"

Nancy's eyes shifted to the next patient, her posture attentive. "Yes, there's one more thing. Mr. Roffi, the patient you performed an appendectomy on two days ago, experienced a slight fever overnight. We ran some tests, and it seems to be a mild postoperative infection."

My brow furrowed with concern as I absorbed the information. "I see. In cases like this, we usually start with a course of intravenous antibiotics. Have we initiated that already?"

"Yes, Doctor. The antibiotic treatment has been started, and we're closely monitoring his temperature and overall condition. So far, he's responding well to the antibiotics, and his fever has started to subside."

A sense of relief washed over me as I realized the positive progress. "Excellent. I'm glad we caught it early. Let's continue the antibiotic treatment and keep a close eye on him. If there are any further complications or if his condition worsens, let me know immediately."

Nancy's earnest expression showed the gravity of her responsibilities as she nodded in response. "Of course, Doctor. I'll ensure that Mr. Roffi receives the necessary care and attention. I'll also keep you informed about any changes in his progress."

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