Chapter 12: "A monster no more"

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"What in the world is a wraith, Sam?" I asked, feeling utterly confused.

"Oh, sorry, we forgot to fill you in," Sam chuckled. "A wraith is a supernatural creature, so this isn't exactly your area of expertise anymore, Joe. It's ours. We've encountered these creatures before, so rest assured, your patients are in capable hands."

I appreciated Sam's attempt to explain, but I still had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. "And what exactly do these creatures do? Why are they in the hospital?"

"Wraiths are monsters that feed on human brain fluids and can infect them with high doses of dopamine," Sam explained. "That's why your patients' brains dried up and shrunk in size. The wraiths have a spike in their wrists that they use to extract the fluids. They target a vulnerable spot behind the ear for easy access to the victim's brain, hence the holes you found during the autopsies," Sam's face wore a reassuring expression.

"And how do you hunt a wraith? Do they have any weaknesses?" I asked, concern filling my eyes.

"Every supernatural being has weaknesses, Joe," Castiel chimed in, sounding rather cocky.

"Yeah, right. Like they teach you about wraiths and supernatural beings in medical school... Unbelievable," I sarcastically remarked, unable to hide my annoyance at Castiel's comment. How was I supposed to know these things?

"Wraiths can disguise themselves as regular humans, but their true faces can be seen when they're reflected in a mirror. They have a humanoid form with rotting skin," Sam explained. "Silver burns their skin, and a silver blade through the heart will kill them. But be cautious, Joe, if a handsome man tries to kiss you, don't fall for it right away. He could be a wraith in disguise. And remember, physical contact with a wraith can drive you insane," Dean added with a smirk. I swear, this guy always manages to crack a joke about my sexuality whenever he gets the chance.

"Of course, just a typical day at work," I sighed, gasping at the absurdity of it all.

"Joe, do you have access to the surveillance cameras?" Sam asked.

"Not really, but I hold a respected position in the hospital, so I'm confident they'll turn a blind eye for us," I replied. I led them to the surveillance room, but to our disappointment, the footage was damaged.

"Oh, man! Why can't we ever catch a break?" Dean exclaimed. They exchanged concerned glances as they discussed the recent disturbances.

Since they couldn't rely on the damaged surveillance footage, Dean, being the tactical thinker, suggested that mirrors were now the only way to identify a wraith's true nature.

To execute their plan, Sam proposed breaking it down into simpler tasks. Dean and Sam would discreetly interview hospital staff and patients, gathering information to look for any signs of strange behavior or connections to the deaths. Meanwhile, Castiel would research and locate as many patients as possible, covertly checking them with a small pocket mirror to see if any suspicious reflections appeared. Throughout this process, I would remain close to Castiel, providing him access to the rooms under the pretense of checking on the well-being of my patients.

I wasn't pleased with the idea of spending more time alone with Castiel. His awkwardness and inability to understand humor were starting to grate on my nerves. I can't tolerate people who are always serious. Humor brings a sense of liveliness and helps us forget about the hardships of our pathetic reality. Despite feeling disconnected from Castiel without Sam and Dean around, I was determined to do everything I could to help, so I didn't complain.

This time, I decided to be serious and not make Castiel uncomfortable. I carried out my job as usual, checking on every patient. Even though the ultimate goal was to see if any of them were wraiths in disguise, I completely forgot about it and acted naturally. I'm always genuinely concerned about my patients, and taking care of them is second nature to me.

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now